I ATE FRUITS ONLY FOR 3 DAYS (Fruitarian/raw vegan diet)

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I challenge myself to eat fruits only for 3 days. This is my experience and results after I ate fruits only for 3 days. I tried the fruitarian …

21 replies
  1. Diane
    Diane says:

    Phillip I did try that restaurant in big market the curry duck was delicious 😋 👌 I saw you ate there cannot wait to eat there again. Plus I look for the Brazil

  2. Maria Viera
    Maria Viera says:

    Interesting challenge Phillip. Hope it goes well for you.
    If I lived in Guyana I would try to be in a place where I could have a kitchen garden. Understandably, you’re a student so that’s probably not an option.
    Would love to hear and see more on how the challenge is going.

  3. Diane Persaud
    Diane Persaud says:

    Philip, nice to hear from you again. Hope your studies are going well.
    Now for the fruit diet…you never said what is your goal for this…a cleansing diet? I suppose? Fruits are good but can be high in too much fructose at one time, but only for three days is good. Go for vegetables next as a trial diet. But variety is always good.
    Keep healthy.


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