I Ate Carnivore For 540 Days

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25 replies
  1. Viewer617
    Viewer617 says:

    your LMT "science backed recipe" is bullsh1t, and you're peddling crap by promoting it. you would know this if you did your own research. The sodium / potassium ratio is upside down and no matter how much of that cute crap you drink, it will still be the wrong way around.

  2. Cindy Brown
    Cindy Brown says:

    Congratulations! So awesome and inspiring to see you sprinting! I know what you mean! I'm 4 months in and started walking again after about 10 years of not walking. I occasionally find myself sprinting for no reason at all, maybe just because I can. 😆

  3. pdxoregon1
    pdxoregon1 says:

    Regarding cholesterol, I listen to Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Ovadia (heart, surgeon, and author of”Stay off My Operating Table.”)

    They have videos that explain the benefits of cholesterol .

    Good for you for being interested in the science of cholesterol and the real impact of cholesterol on the body ✅✅✅

  4. pdxoregon1
    pdxoregon1 says:

    I love LMNT!!!❤
    I got the free sample pack , and I was hooked!
    I add extra magnesium in the evening to help me sleep .
    It’s a Wonderful product and I’m super impressed that they are sponsoring you !😊

  5. Carnivore Today
    Carnivore Today says:

    So glad you found the true path to health! Cheers! Carnivore has allowed me to do incredible things, one of which…I can run now without my moobs knocking me out, and I dont look half bad running now either! lol

  6. Susan Hampton
    Susan Hampton says:

    Hey Aaron,
    I Love seeing and hearing you talk about your progress of your journey to better health! Inspiring! 540 days! That's awesome! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼😊
    I know the feeling of making progress and those non-scale victories! It keeps us moving forward! There are too many positive reasons to ever go back to eating the SAD again!
    2018, with God's strength, I began clean keto, lost 140 lbs. Then in June 2023 I transitioned to carnivore. I've lost 12 more pounds and 12" off my torso. I still need to lose 100 lbs. I'm moving forward because I have a life still to live for Jesus, my family and friends, and myself. 😊❤🙏🏼 Take care!

  7. Becky Griffin
    Becky Griffin says:

    I also pause before I take the Lord's Supper on Sunday. The first time, I said "oh, I can't eat this or drink this…." Then, I mentally slapped myself and said take the Lord's Supper with gladness in your heart!

  8. X X
    X X says:

    As of Aug 3 —– 4 years for me –54 years old — 6'4" stay right around 200lbs with a pound or 2 up or down —— some exercise —- would never go back and have never cheated —- not once ! Feel to good to ever go back ! GOD BLESS ! —————– What is your weight now?

  9. Bob Blue
    Bob Blue says:

    Sorry I keep leaving multiple comments but I've felt the same way then I remember that I am working out and am gaining muscle. Don't use the bmi method it's out of dated and is incorrect if your gaining muscle 💪

  10. Bob Blue
    Bob Blue says:

    Looking beardly my bro it's a good look for you. Grow it out and get yourself some beard shampoo and beard oil and your wife will love it. Guaranteed my lion brother the lionesses love a well maintained lion mane .


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