I Ate at The Four Way Grill in Memphis, TN

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I Ate at The Four Way Grill in Memphis, TN.

34 replies
  1. Sheila Savage
    Sheila Savage says:

    Serving fresh vegetables should be a given at any restaurant. Why would anyone go to a restaurant to eat canned stringbeans and broccoli? And gravy from a jar? Really?? No thanks.

  2. Connie 4846
    Connie 4846 says:

    This place reminds me of The Hot Shoppes in the DC area. The Hot Shoppes served cafeteria style comfort food catering primarily to seniors. They served discounted meals certain part of the day and the seniors would flock. The food was just ok, but not the best of food.

    Places like the 4 Way Grill are popular to those in the community. It probably was the dinner spot for the civil rights movement folks. They will not lose any business from Darius review because their customers are loyal. The owners will not even make any changes based on Darius recommendation.


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