I Answer YOUR Cost Of Living Questions Live

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25 replies
  1. Jim Pennin
    Jim Pennin says:

    Dude, your idea to teach low income kids how to cook is AMAZING. Seriously, you should look into it. You might even be able to get gov money for it, or make it into an official non profit like in the US and get tax free donations.

    Btw, Moggs sheds fur snakes molt 😁

  2. Jim Pennin
    Jim Pennin says:

    "It tasted bad but I ate it anyway."

    LOL I have no idea how many times I could say that. Or more specifically

    "it's only a little burned" or "it's only a little bit too salty" 🤷‍♂️

  3. Fay Dove
    Fay Dove says:

    Would it be an idea to do a live of you cooking what ever you are doing for yourself ? We can keep you company and no need for editing.I bet your views would soar !

  4. Nadine May
    Nadine May says:

    i was bummed you did this mid day because i'm nightshift on a sunday woke up at 2pm to a message saying that they were offering the night off … which i've taken but i was like oooh nooo i coulda watched adam live if i knew i was off 😅

  5. Mat Wootton
    Mat Wootton says:

    Sorry I missed your live Adam, I've been doing some dodgy DIY work today, I'm definitely an amateur, but on the plus side your clock is the right time for me as I'm watching the playback, take care mate and keep up the good work, you've given lots of us some good ideas with cooking on a budget 👍

  6. Tokaji Leo
    Tokaji Leo says:

    EU and UK are USA’s bitch. Soon all leaders of the western 'demorcacies' will be voted off by their taxpayers as they will not tolerate to fund the Russia-USA war happening in Ukraine any longer. The EU made an economic suicide while due to high prices Russia's income tripled. Short sighted idiotic view. You cannot feed your kids with principles they will starve and you cannot set an aim which is putting a world nuclear power to its knees. The winner will be China, India and of course USA which is happy to sell its LNG to the EU at higher prices while a strong German economy based on cheap Russian gas and oil scares the hell out of the USA. The cost of living crisis is because the west has decided to pay the so called 'cost of freedom', for Ukraine Donbass to remain Ukrainian, the west pumped the money of the world into ukraine (with little result) and Zelenskij demanding additional 750 billion USD which will be paid by the western taxpayers. Sanctioning oil and gas only increased the cost of gas and oil and Russia's income tripled, China and India buying Russian gas and oil 30% less price than the west. For Ukraine to win (it never will but anyway) the western taxpayers must starve. Forget cost of living crisis this is nothing yet. When you cannot feed your kids then you must decide is it worth for Donbass to remain ukranian. You decided to pay the cost of freedom so do not whine. Enjoy the western style of living while it lasts

  7. Lisa Ray
    Lisa Ray says:

    No worries. I enjoyed chatting with you and the fine folks in chat. I will have to catch up on some cooking vid with you. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a great week! 😊💖🙏


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