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20 replies
  1. $Love2000Love
    $Love2000Love says:

    I could move anything no matter what, but now that I've turned 47 I'm tired 😩. Thank God I have two son's who are recently seeing just what momma has dealt with in their earlier youth.

  2. Shaina
    Shaina says:

    Whew…this is how i KNOW i am getting old 🤦🏾‍♀️ Now, friend this title had me ready to grab some anointing oil & get in prayer mode because 🗣 the devil is a liar!
    YOU are a child of God 😅 I was ready to pray for peace over you!

  3. TX Tornado
    TX Tornado says:

    When you said "this is getting upsetting to me" I heard a lil bit of Miss Jackie trying to come out!!!

    Where Miss Jackie been??? I miss her! I know she got some shenanigans going on since these chirren done got they tax refund and don't know how to act!!

  4. trblessed1020
    trblessed1020 says:

    I'm at the stage of my life where I accept that I'm weak please if you expect me to do anything more than to bring charisma to a moving party Honey you will be sorely disappointed them days are over honey

  5. Tenia Osayande
    Tenia Osayande says:

    🤣🤣🤣 not the footage of Fred!! But I'm not even gonna lie, when it comes to stuff like this I instantly become the southern belle, damsel in distress. And in classic fashion I offer cold tea, a Coke, water, etc. 🤣😅 It's men folk around, no need for me to be Shera Princess of Power 🙃


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