Hustling Up Dinner: Instant Pot Chicken, Potatoes & Carrots

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Instant Pot on Amazon! 8 Boneless thighs: approx $4.00 4 Large red potatoes: approx. $1.50 1 lb Carrots: approx $.88 That’s one big …

29 replies
  1. Cary Baxter
    Cary Baxter says:

    The vast majority of chefs peel carrots. The nutrients are not concentrated there, so it does not "remove the nutrients". Carrot skins often contain funny, off flavors that mar a good meal. A professional chef does not need the grief from unexpected notes.

  2. Joyce Halvorsen
    Joyce Halvorsen says:

    Okay…but for flavoring use butter or olive oil….I use chicken stock and water, but my Instant Pot is 8 quarts so I need more liquid in it to work. However, I also think the food cooks better that way. And cut the carrots and potatoes the same size or they won't cook the same time. Scrub the carrots and potatoes very well even if you do not take the peals off. These are just my suggestions….others may have different ways of cooking in an instant pot. Have fun.

  3. KaBoomer
    KaBoomer says:

    My 8-qt Instant Pot was delivered today. Thanks for the video so I can refer to it while I navigate thru my first Instant Pot meal… And Lindey, you are such a hoot and entertaining to watch, easy on the eyes, too. Keep up the good work!

  4. pspecs
    pspecs says:

    thank you for your informative, entertaining video. You are a natural in front of the camera. Keep the videos coming, there are thousands of us out here waiting for your next one. Wishing you and your family all the best, Kevin

  5. The Smarter Way
    The Smarter Way says:

    OMG My husband & I love your other videos too. Been watching for years. Thought I clicked onto wrong one. You're perfect for doing instant pot videos too. I love my instant pot. Need to get at least 2 more. Ready to sell my stove. Never use it anymore. That alone saves $$ not needing stove or oven. Please keep making cooking videos, Lindey. We love cooking with you. Jenn and Bob

  6. kadydidit M
    kadydidit M says:

    I received my Instant Pot Duo 8 quart and immediately too it out of the box to use. I made this recipe earlier tonight. The only difference was that I used Lipton Onion Soup Mix as my seasoning. I sprinkled an envelope over the potatoes, then another over the meat, and a third envelope over the carrots. We were a bit skeptical, but were amazed when it came out perfect. I think it took about 30 minutes from the time I took the meat out of the fridge, to the time the Pot finished and I took off the lid. Absolutely amazing! I can't wait to use it again, the next time spaghetti and meat sauce. If I had cooked it the "old fashioned way" by using my stove, it would have taken twice as long and I would have used at least 3 pot/pans.

  7. Jillian Joy
    Jillian Joy says:

    Can you provide what company your big bag of hikory seasoning is fom please? I'd like to order some for my family to try. We love that flavors and can't find a good one! You put so much, like I would have too! It must be good! just the company name please, I'll search it out and find where to order from if you don't have a website available 🙂 thank you

  8. Putri Indah
    Putri Indah says:

    This instant pot is really really good to use>>> I really saved a lot of time to watch the fire stew, and the soup taste really good too , I can prepare the cooking, don't have to wait it all the time, after i finish cook other dishes, soup is cook complete too. super time saving, simple and convenient to use

  9. Glitter & Associates
    Glitter & Associates says:

    Whoa! My life has been changed. I didn't realize you could make a huge meal like that in less than 30 minutes. Lindey, thanks again for another life hack. So glad you decided to make lifestyle videos in addition to reselling videos.


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