HUGE TRADER JOE'S FALL HAUL 2021 / NEW Food Items for the Halloween Season! – VLOGTOBER DAY 11

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12 replies
  1. gwen
    gwen says:

    Nice Autumnal haul! lol How was the pumpkin brioche and the pumpkin bagels? I usually pick up Tiki Masala in the frozen section. Isn't it nice the weather has cooled down so we can put on a sweater! xo

  2. Drew Alanes
    Drew Alanes says:

    Cool haul you ladies! I'm gonna have to pick up a pack of those pumpkin spice batons the next time I'm at TJ's now based off your reactions, lol. It must be super duper good!! 🤯🤤

    How were the pumpkin bagels, ice cream & butternut mac n cheese? I love mac n cheese so I'm always on the lookout for the good ones hahaha. It seemed interesting tbh!

  3. The Baking Diva
    The Baking Diva says:

    That was a very interesting haul! It seems you ladies like spicy foods and I am not a spicy kind of gal 😫 but it was fun seeing what you purchased. I have a fairly new Trader Joe’s store right near me so I’ll pop in there quite a bit. I have the maple popcorn, the apple cider soap, the pumpkin cream cheese that is a favorite of mine, and I love the chocolate hummus! I did buy the pumpkin pie hummus but I didn’t care for it at all. I thought it was too strong. Can’t remember what else I bought but it’s always fun to shop there. Like you said about the candles… The one bad thing is they bring the stuff in, it sells out early, and they don’t bring it back. They just tell you it’s seasonal. The two of you are a hoot… Glad you’re having fun together. See you soon, Dolores 🎃💀☘️👻🐿🍎

  4. mc contreras
    mc contreras says:

    I made a quick trip to Trader Joe's and looked for a few of the yummy food you mentioned😁.I really wanted to try the maple popcorn but they were out😑🙃..oh well will have to try another trip back to TJoes oh darn poor me 😜


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