HUGE Home Bargains Haul|NEW IN August

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AllThingsShannonx #HomeBargainsHaul #NewInAugust Check out all my other social media accounts and wish lists: …

41 replies
  1. Nia Rosser-Hughes
    Nia Rosser-Hughes says:

    You need to slow down, you don’t want to get ill before your holiday! You have many subscribers now, I'm sure most of us don’t expect a comment in return ( although it's nice to hear from you of course!). A like is more than sufficient. Your figure is fine, stop stressing. Autumn isn't until October, just decorate your bedroom if it makes you feel better- but you don't have to. Make a list of everything you want to pack, start putting them in slowly as you go along, and tick them off. Seeing the ticks will give you a sense of control. A holiday is for rest and enjoyment, that's all we want to see, remember that. Xxx

  2. Rachel powell
    Rachel powell says:

    Hey it sounds like you need a break , if you earn enough from YouTube you could do that full time and you wouldn't need to do 12 your shifts you could work when you want to and when your mood allows x

  3. Kirsty Bursnoll
    Kirsty Bursnoll says:

    Ah no so sad to see you get down you are burning yourself out. You do a grand job. You definitely need that holiday and a break. Don’t be so hard on yourself your a beautiful lady inside and out. Thought I would let you know I went into hobbycraft the other day and they had squishy velvet pumpkins in lots of lovely colours ranging from £10 down to £1. Take care x

  4. melanie stevens
    melanie stevens says:

    I worry about you sending yourself into burnout hun. You need to prioritise your emotional health above all else. Please don't juice and exercise, you can't exercise on empty, you need protein. Plus detox juices are a con, your liver does all the detoxing you need, it's been proven. Just lots of water and a balanced healthy diet will do the job. You are gorgeous anyway, it's not like you need to lose loads xxx

  5. Emily Fox
    Emily Fox says:

    I suffer with anxiety and depression and a bad day can really make you feel like nothing is okay. I'm super proud of you for sharing this with us and I love how positive you are on being single and proud and achieving your own goals without needing a man beside you and all the fun and experiences you share with your lovely mum and buy yourself. Before I moved out years ago I collected loads of stuff my mum called it getting stuff for a bottom draw. It really helped because when I separated from my husband and started again I could have done with more of a bottom drawer but I did okay asking for vouchers and stuff for birthday and Christmas to put towards stuff so keep collecting. It also helps to have stuff that gives you comfort etc. Lots of love to you and mumma G xxx

  6. Charlotte Kelly
    Charlotte Kelly says:

    Aww Shannon we won’t shout at you for buying snacks and pumpkin s 1:08 , but we will if you put yourself under so much pressure , I’m sure everyone will agree here cause we love you and momma G , please take a feed days to yourself , pack ur bag , we all love your content and will wait a few days for you , u don’t need to diet u are stunning we all can’t be wrong here , I’d die for that figure , ur beautiful inside out remember that 💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💯💯

  7. Anya
    Anya says:

    You sound emotionally exhausted, Shannon.
    You might not be looking forward to holidaying alone, but you sound like you need a break. You work long hours and are very dedicated to your channel, you're running on fumes.
    You can't always lose weight from the places you want it to go.
    Your PT will be able to help you target certain areas.
    Please don't be hard on yourself.

    As for Home Bargains, they were trending on Twitter (X) last week because people were posting pics of their local stores where the seasonsl garden section had been cleared out and replaced with Christmas bits!! 😮😂 xx

  8. Mel Nason
    Mel Nason says:

    Shan hun……. I'm here along side you with the melt downs!
    I've got my brother's big wedding 2nd sept and still haven't got an outfit and feel like rubbish when trying things on!
    I've had 2 years notice to plan for this wedding and left everything last minute.
    I think life just gets in the way as it's so stressful and everything else gets put on the back burner which then results in this last minute panic.
    Anyway…..regardless of what we look like we have just got to go and have a great time!!!!! Xx

  9. linzi taylor
    linzi taylor says:

    Great haul Shann. Sorry to hear your having a bad week you should take a couple of weeks off YouTube and give yourself a break. You have knocked yourself out the last few years to bring us videos you deserve the break ❤

  10. Paula Wilson
    Paula Wilson says:

    Hey Shannon, ur a beautiful young girl❣️hard working!! Very kind, u have so much going for you, you just need to see it…don’t look down on yourself, ever!
    It would be lovely to see u enjoy ur holiday with someone, but, u did it before you can do it again and have the most amazing time..u deserve this holiday after all ur hard work..plz try not to stress and concentrate on u, plz don’t be hard on yourself about weight..ur stunning❤lots of love to you xx

  11. SHEREE Harris
    SHEREE Harris says:

    Oh bless you are looking good I admire you, you work so hard to fill your content every time, this weather is not helping we’re all a bit down but it can only get better, put everything in a box close the lid and lock it away tomorrow is another day love you , Lady in Red xx

  12. Sonya Gilpin
    Sonya Gilpin says:

    Loved it as always Shannon don’t stress about you holiday love it will be fine just in joy you self life to short to be worrying you fine the way you are take care see you soon ❤

  13. SlytherinSanka
    SlytherinSanka says:

    Aw Shan I'm so sorry you're in a bad space my lovely xx sending you all of the love! I'm having days where I don't want to go to uni because I can't find the right outfit because I think nothing looks good on me despite having lost a lot of weight so I understand having weight demons ❤ that being said… I had a dream last night where I missioned to a bargain shop for snacks, pot noodle and instant rice 😂

  14. Jane Fazakerley
    Jane Fazakerley says:

    The order of events for you Shannon should be You, family , work then videos. Look at what makes you happy and content if gym workouts and been healthy are important prioritise.Remember you are important and you have to look after you. Thank you for giving your all to your channel . But you will burn out. Prioritise Shannon and breathe. ( ps you are perfect as you are) the only thing to change is spreading yourself to thin. The channel audience are here for you . Look at what you can reduce and not replying to everyone’s isn’t an issue you always thank everyone during your videos. Take care sweetheart remember to take time for you. Xx

  15. Julia Watton
    Julia Watton says:

    Thank you for sharing, please don't doubt yourself or put yourself under too much pressure. I enjoy your content but wouldn't want to think you were feeling stressed to get videos out. Try and relax, you are a lovely person so do whatever you need to do to stay healthy. Your well deserved holiday will soon come round, whatever you decide to do regarding Autumn decor do what's right for you. Sending hugs xxx 💕💓

  16. Rachel Haystead
    Rachel Haystead says:

    I’m like you booked with tui to Jamaica in November and I’ve already had two aircraft changes 🤣 I think you should give up work and do this full time your are so good at this xx

  17. Sylvia Harles
    Sylvia Harles says:

    Please Shannon don't worry about autumn decorations..just look after yourself and enjoy the run up to your holiday instead of thinking about autumn. Love to you and Mamma G ❤

  18. Mandy lou
    Mandy lou says:

    Aw Shan, you are a fantastic young lady, you should be so proud of yourself, self love is what you need chick ❤❤. As us subs all love you and mama G too xx

  19. Paula Martin
    Paula Martin says:

    Oh sian I just want 2 hug u and make it all better. I am going to shout not about the haul but because u havent eaten for over 30 hours u i know u know better than abusing your body like this. Also if you r really upset about holidaying on your own do you go with your gut feeling if u dont want to go then dont cancel it and do a last minute mini break you know you will look forward to and enjoy no one will thonk any less of you . I have ill health and my anxiety was so bad in the lead up to going to holland to a wedding the sense of dread stopped me functioning so much so i annoyed everyone by cancelling and didnt go but as soon as i actioned the cancellation it was a weight of my shoulders . The jo malone pomegrant perfume is so so so goregous i stocked up a month ago for me and pressies . Let me know what you do its the psychiatrist in me so if i can help u get back to you please contact me to chat i hate seeing u on such a downer px

  20. Shell
    Shell says:

    Honestly don’t worry about Autumn decorating, just enjoy the last month of summer and then your holiday, no need to put extra stress on yourself with all that. I don’t think anyone here would mind if your house wasn’t decorated for the vids. As for packing, you have loads of time, do a little bit each day, swimwear one day then outfits another etc. Hope you feel better soon ❤

  21. Rosina Speakman
    Rosina Speakman says:

    Shannon STOP take a breath put your bracelet on it will help 💖 loved haul 🎉🎉🎉 spray some of the perfume on mama g's flowers and on red 😉 melt downs come out of the blue 💖 no thinking about what happened last year all will be fine 🤗🤗 your right keeping some little bit back you share more then enough 💐💐 bliss has been brought out for anyone who cant have gluten 🎉🎉 ie natasha.. Ooh will be looking for the pumpkins that is a fantastic price 🎉🎉 your fine as you are STOP IT 💖 and time away without vloging for a few days DEFINITELY YES we will still be here.. Idea just heart comments until you have time to reply because knowing you you'll still feel bad about not replying 😑 big 🤗🤗🤗🤗. Loads of love sweetheart 💕💕💕

  22. marianne harris
    marianne harris says:

    ah i was wondering why i hadn't received some replies especially one or two comments in june right i shall come round and scoff all of your crisps and sweets then (JOKING!!!!) it's fine all of your subscribers understand your'e pressures so please don't worry, my home bargains are struggling on low deliveries, can't find beef and onion crisps anywhere my craving is steak mccoys as they actually have some flavour, yep looks wintry outside i put away my hoodies but had to get them all out again,xx


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