How Tomato Sauce Is Made In Italy | Regional Eats

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Every summer, Isabella, her mother, Dina, and her daughter, Federica, honor the family tradition and make tomato sauce in their garden. The process is a …

40 replies
  1. Little Squirrel
    Little Squirrel says:

    Wow, safe canning "syandards" in the USA are so fifferent… and I have long had my suspicions that the way my granny did things was just fine. This looks like a wonderful family tradition.

  2. Tuyet Cong-Ton-Nu
    Tuyet Cong-Ton-Nu says:

    What is the name of the presser that separates the pulp from the skin? This is such a sweet video. I learned a lot and really enjoyed the heartfelt love of the family sharing this tradition together. Good interview. Thanks.

  3. Bijay Lekhak
    Bijay Lekhak says:

    I love these ladies langauge..i didnt understand 1 word but i enjoyed their talking…love to grandma from Nepal..Our old ancestors are just amazing…hope one day all people in the world follow their path

  4. Mikey D
    Mikey D says:

    Italians now how to live. They enjoy life and don't need to surround themselves with fancy expensive things. Like Forest Gumps mother said " we only need so much money and the rest is for showing off" Good food good morals good family good friends and with luck good heath and don't forget God.These are the things that bring happiness. I would take this life over being a millionaire any day of the week. God Bless!

  5. Scott
    Scott says:

    I keep thinking about the segment of the Godfather movie where he goes to Sicily and courts the beautiful girl… Come here host chic… let me charm you… Can I call you Apollonia? 😉

  6. R S
    R S says:

    Bravi, anche perché mettete il titolo in inglese e vi rivolgete ad un pubblico internazionale, vedo abominii e violenze gastronomiche angloamericane che fanno rabbrividire, in base al concetto: se è buono, semplice e sano, stravolgi tutto, complica e condisci all'inverosimile facendo diventare un qualunque piatto uguale all'altro. Monosapore ingrassato.
    Fate un'opera Pia, di divulgazione culturale. Continuate così!

  7. Emi Quetzalkoala
    Emi Quetzalkoala says:

    To all outsiders: at 01:45 Isabella says "we have all varieties". She probably meant that they grow all the most common varieties that are typical of their area. But a lot more than four exist. According to most sources there are between 15 and 25 different varieties that are commonly harvested and used in Italy. But the full list includes several thousands of varieties.

  8. Cicely Moehlman
    Cicely Moehlman says:

    This is similar to how some Spanish families make tomate frito, complete with a hand held food mill and reusing jars we've used from the year and boiling them in the end. Tomate frito has onion added and no basil but it's delicious!

  9. vivienne pierce
    vivienne pierce says:

    What a great video. Almost everything today is made in factories, commercially packaged, and sold in stores. People lose the connection between the garden and the finished meal.

  10. MaverickM1
    MaverickM1 says:

    Now that is the only delicious tasty and healthy coke in the world :). Great video, huge thanks for sharing it. Greetings from Hungary to all fellow Italians. Italian tomatoes especially San Marzano and zuchero are God’s greatest gifts for the world.

  11. metaspherz
    metaspherz says:

    BTW, I learned to make really good tomato sauce years ago by watching YT videos. I learned the best tomatoes for sauce don't have seeds. But I don't mind seeds in my tomato soup for some reason. Maybe it's the extra fiber…

    SRIV THEFOUR says:

    Machines & Robots …have done this and exported more tomato from there to the rest of the world …selling Pomodore "Italiana" and also the "Abuela" LoL …and now Google and youTube! Search for Italian tomato processing


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