How to Use Refried Beans | Refried Beans for dinner

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In this video you can learn how to use your refried beans to save tons of money on food. You can use your canned refried beans …

35 replies
  1. Rose Acres Farmily
    Rose Acres Farmily says:

    Thank you for these yummy ideas!!! I quit buying refried beans because I couldn't find organic ones. I buy organic canned pintos and make my own refried beans. They're easy to make and delicious!!

  2. Karen Wilder
    Karen Wilder says:

    Add a tablespoon of water to your frying eggs with a cover on them. Within a minute to a minute and a half they will turn a lovely pinkish color on the yolk, letting you know they're cooked. Inside should be soft still if you cooked them on medium high temp. This is called basted eggs and how restaurants do it. 😃

  3. Rhiahl
    Rhiahl says:

    You can add a little water to refried beans to make them more manageable when putting them on tortillas. It's a texture preference thing though.

  4. Asia Rose
    Asia Rose says:

    Im not vegetarian but i adore that the last dish is so versatile that it ended up working out fine that way. Great video and amazing recipes! Just made a delicious breakfast based off the first one. Thanks a bunch!

  5. Jamie Cee49
    Jamie Cee49 says:

    Love refried. Can almost eat them out of a can. Depends on how good they are. Also use them for tortillas chips. ☺️ Love sunny side up eggs. My fave way. All sound yummy. But may try the second one. 😁 Might try the 3 rd one too. ☺️

  6. Kenyon Bissett
    Kenyon Bissett says:

    If I remember correctly your family uses and really likes the Aldis salsa, so a happy substitution! The quesadilla is such an inexpensive lunch/dinner. Quesadilla for Dinner is a perfect vegetarian dinner that the family won’t even realize is vegetarian.

  7. ponycyndi1
    ponycyndi1 says:

    My mil's recipe is the best, because it's the simplest- just put a spoonful of refried beans in a corn tortilla, fold it in half and fry them in a little oil or cooking spray.
    You can add some taco seasoning or cheese to the beans, and serve with salsa, sour cream. So simple and so fast!

  8. Jill Gott
    Jill Gott says:

    I like that you take the same ingredients and make different meals – I usually have leftovers and am always on the lookout for new ways to use them.
    Yesterday I made a delicious Cheese Burger Soup and today I put it in a Casserole dish and topped it with Cornbread and baked for 20 minutes in the oven yummy 😋

  9. Irena The Ginger
    Irena The Ginger says:

    What else is yummy and uses some refired beans is doing enchiladas or an enchilada bake with them as well as grated zucchini and summer squash, some cooked onion, garlic, lots of seasoning, and red enchilada sauce. You can use whatever tortilla type you prefer, make it with or without cheese roll or layer them up.

  10. Shelz P
    Shelz P says:

    I always appreciate it when you say to use whatever you have. I’d never go to the store to buy one ingredient for a dinner, just never crossed my mind to do that. On the rice, corn, refried beans with salsa dish, roll it up in tortillas and throw some cheese on the top, into the oven for 30, and ‘it’s enchiladas for dinner’…

  11. Mona Minchau
    Mona Minchau says:

    I sometimes use refried beans to thicken a “leftovers soup”: broth, refried beans, rice, any veggies wilting in the fridge, and any leftover meat or sausage, plus herbs and spices.

  12. Hive_Indicator
    Hive_Indicator says:

    I really appreciate how you call out when using garlic powder and/or minced onion will work almost as good in a recipe. Taking the stigma out of living in a food desert is awesome.


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