How To Use Every Utensil | Method Mastery | Epicurious

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Crack open a fresh notebook and come to attention because class is back in session! Author and food scholar Darra Goldstein …

49 replies
  1. Devin Gendron
    Devin Gendron says:

    6:40 always low key hated the "put down your knife and change hands" after cutting food thing…so i ignore it cause its just like…wasting time, energy, and economy of motion? Does in 5 motions what you can do in 3.

  2. Reema
    Reema says:

    Is this "putting the knife on the edge of the plate and picking up the fork" an American custom? Because I haven't seen it like that in Europe. but maybe I'm just an uncultured swine. 😉

  3. Camel-
    Camel- says:

    Not trying to be rude or anything but, she's looks like the epitomy of table manners/etiquette itself or high class person in victorian era

  4. JTLI90
    JTLI90 says:


    “How to Use Every *WESTERN Utensil”

    I got curious, thinking this was going to show the different styles of eating utensils around the world. Turns out, it’s just more of the same 🙃

  5. Mathew Walls
    Mathew Walls says:

    Why are you holding your knife and fork correctly to cut, and then PUTTING THE KNIFE DOWN AND SWITCHING THE FORK INTO THE WRONG HAND like a small child?

    Also, your "soup spoons" are dessert spoons – soup spoons are round – and your "teaspoons" are… also dessert spoons I think? Way, way too big.


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