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Using an instant pot can be very intimidating. Here are some quick, in-depth tips to get you on your way! About me: Hi! My name is Leah and I’m 31. My family …

35 replies
  1. PunkBot3000
    PunkBot3000 says:

    Note to viewers on the danger of pressure cooking – good luck trying to open the top under pressure. The top is sucked into the pot – you would really need to struggle with it to try and break the pressure seal on this. It will not pop like a balloon. fyi,

  2. Ash
    Ash says:

    Thank you for searing the meat. No one does that for these instant pot recipes and it’s so important for flavor. I know how to cook I’m just unfamiliar with the instant pot

  3. Steve Anthony
    Steve Anthony says:

    I am doing someone else's recipe in which they told me to put the whole roast in with all the vegetables and turn in for 30 min without searing it beforehand, so what is the purpose of searing meat ahead of time and then pressure cooking?

  4. slashluck
    slashluck says:

    I believe if we followed hubby’s recipe verbatim we’d have an awfully plain stew. Be sure to add a bit more spices. I don’t think he mentioned salt or pepper although he did use, and idk what’s up with the onion soup powder going in, but it’s probably a hack that makes it more flavorful. S&P, garlic or g powder for sure,maybe bit of thyme or whatever you’d like to toss in. Just add 3 or 4 spices and ba bang. Good video. Thanks for vid, cheers.

  5. thunderlord2200
    thunderlord2200 says:

    really love this idea, i think i waill mix this with another recipe because they cook the cut ounin with the stead bits and after everything add starch i think to make it thicker.. love the show thanks for video

  6. PlayerMcPlayface
    PlayerMcPlayface says:

    If you're interested in this video, this is more about the pot than the meal. There is no recipe here for a beef stew. Look elsewhere for that. Also, I don't know why people think it's okay to monetize their kids on youtube and other social media, but some very small children appear in this video if you aren't okay with that.

  7. Sharon's Place
    Sharon's Place says:

    Love the video. Beef stew is one of the things I fix most in my IP. I use it as often as I can. Cheesecake is really good in it. I think I might like to get the smaller one to use simultaneously for side dishes. One thing I find I need to start a recipe notebook for different dishes with a chart for timing


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