For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit

Hello Friends! This week’s video is all about my favorite kitchen appliance, the Instant Pot. I’ll show you how I meal prep chicken, …

22 replies
  1. Holly’s Homemade Haven
    Holly’s Homemade Haven says:

    Stephanie I love that you showed how to use your instant pot, I love using mine. I think you will help some people who have an instant pot still in the box or on the fence about buying one, they will actually want to use it. Thanks for sharing your delicious recipes! Great collabing with you again! Have an awesome weekend!

  2. Charmayne Rosely
    Charmayne Rosely says:

    You have some great recipes there for the instant pot. Not sure why I haven’t cook soup in there. It would make sense too. Thanks for sharing your recipes and your fav in the kitchen with us. Enjoyed doing this collab with you. New sub here😀

  3. Monica Jeanette
    Monica Jeanette says:

    I'm afraid of instant pots lol guilty 😅 I think it's the whole letting the pressure off part that makes me not want to use it. Plus, the one time I tried to cook rice in it, it wouldn't open at all and we had to throw the whole instant pot away. Now I'm afraid to break them too lol 🤣

  4. Melinda's Messy Sink
    Melinda's Messy Sink says:

    Hey Stephanie! Raising my hand in shame! I have an Instapot as well and have only used it one time 😂 No idea, why I cannot get on the bandwagon! Your recipes look wonderful friend! I like to throw ingredients together as well. Afterall, it is better that wasting them. Thank you so much for joining in on the collab! It was great getting to know you better!

  5. Uniquely Lesa
    Uniquely Lesa says:

    Hi Stephanie! It was so nice meeting you through this collab. I enjoyed all of your recipes and really inspired me to use my Instant Pot more. Thanks new friend. Hope you have a great day. XO

  6. Ginger Snap Kitchen
    Ginger Snap Kitchen says:

    Why do I never make soup?! I usually throw my random ingredients into a rice dish, but I never think of soup. I will start doing that now! Thanks for the inspiration. It was fun doing this collab with you! Have a great day, Stephanie! 🙂


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