How To Track Your Calories To Ensure You Have A Deficit. Step By Step Guide And Tips For Beginners!

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47 replies
  1. @PlantBasedDads
    @PlantBasedDads says:

    We love you all! Thanks for supporting the show. Please like and subscribe so YouTube will suggest our videos and we can continue to make more. Leave a comment below and let me know if you are counting calories and macros or if you are absolutely anti-calorie tracking. -Joey.

  2. @brendaross9333
    @brendaross9333 says:

    I've been tracking my food for some time now and there are 2 things I'd like to share with you that might be helpful in the future. The label does not always match the actual calories listed. eg. your 160cal bread actually comes up to 167cal (Protein 16×4 = 64 calories + Carbs 10x 4 = 40 + Fat 7×9 = 63 for a total of 167 calories. Next oftentimes the serving size can be off, so weighing the 2 slices will give you a truer number. It says 2 slices is 65 grams which would actually be 167 calories, not 160 calories. Imagine if the 2 slices you choose are actually more like 70 grams. Now your 167 calories have gone up even more. This can all add up over a day and could put you over your deficit. The best way to get around this is to make every one of your food entries custom. It does take a bit of time at the beginning but…..most of us eat the same food and brands so once it is in the app it is there for good. Hope this helps you on your journey. This video otherwise is really well put together and super helpful for those wanting to learn how to track their intake. Keep up the good work.

  3. @jbidwell605
    @jbidwell605 says:

    Thank you for this information Joey. I've signed up for cronometer, too. I'm finding it's SO difficult to get my protein up so I'm happy you addressed this at the end of the video with the peanut butter sandwich. Could you possibly do a video on fast and easy high protein meals / snacks? How do you make your tempeh for the blt, for instance. Thanks so much!

  4. @julies6583
    @julies6583 says:

    Such helpful information! I've been wanting to start tracking my food but didn't know where to start. The chronometer seemed overwhelming to me. So thank you for the detailed video. I now feel ready tackle it. Love your straight forward and honest approach. I appreciate your videos. You look great!!

  5. @visceralvic
    @visceralvic says:

    I have been following Plant-Based Dads for quite awhile, and it's interesting how the focus has changed. I understand that losing weight is largely a mathematical issue of calories in and calories out. I myself use Fitbit to track my steps and calorie burn in real time, and I use that app to log everything I eat. So I do commit to my calorie deficit goal. I am not convinced about the ultra-high protein intake, though. It flies in the face of what we've been taught by other plant-based doctors and experts. And the other issue I have here is with the apparent lack of fruits and vegetables. Where is the rainbow of dark leafy greens, orange, red, yellow and blue unprocessed foods from the earth? As we know, they generally don't add a lot of calories but provide essential fiber and nutrients. No fruit with the PBJ, not even a salad with the pasta? I can't get behind this "typical day" of synthetic protein shakes, processed bread and pasta. It's not a natural way of eating for life. I have much respect and gratitude for Joey, and I'm glad he is getting the results he wants. But I hope when he reaches the maintenance phase he'll ease off on the high-protein bandwagon and return to a more balanced, varied whole food diet. ❤

  6. @querianquerian
    @querianquerian says:

    I am not a fan of calorie counting but you have talked me into it, along with high protein for weight loss. I also followed starch solution and high carb style diets for a long time only to gain weight and I appreciated your other videos talking about your new approach. I have been following Bright Line Eating for the past 6+ months and have lost about 36 pounds that way but I am going to incorporate higher protein choices into that framework and see if i can continue losing weight. And I might have to count calories as well, as least to make sure I am where I want to be in my targets. I will give it a try and see if it helps me results or if it makes me crazy … I need my food to be easy and not overthink it ut i think I can combine the two approaches into something that works for me.

  7. @irenecohen8708
    @irenecohen8708 says:

    How can you do this kind of diet and be whole food plant based? This is my main problem. I see you are eating more processed foods than before. I can’t tolerate pea protein so the only incomplete protein powder I can add to drinks is almond protein powder. And I have to be low salt and oil. To get even 70-80 gms of protein daily as a now elderly but still active female I almost always go over my calorie goal if I want to eat a couple of pieces of fruit a day. I will say over age 70 it is a lot harder taking off a few more pounds than it was in my 60’s especially if I am eating some healthy fats which, unlike Dr. McDougall, other doctors think are necessary for brain health.

  8. @LilithSumeria
    @LilithSumeria says:

    Thank you! This is great information. I needed a tutorial on the chronometer. It was a big help! I know you put a lot of work into this video, know that it was much appreciated. I hope that you will show more of your emergency food recipes and more what you eat in a day. Again, thank you so much for being so transparent in what is going on with your health journey. You truly are an inspiration.

  9. @patzjourney
    @patzjourney says:

    Thanks for all the tips and great recipes- I love the IP bolognese! And enjoying the EarthChimp protein too. I’m trying to lose some weight without losing muscle also, so I’m trying to follow along and get more protein as well. Keep up the great work !

  10. @marionvilkaitis1515
    @marionvilkaitis1515 says:

    Hi from Canberra Australia. You look amazing and I love the videos that you post. Very informative. Your journey is inspirational and I love that you have achieved your amazing results with based based foods. I always feel good when I watch your posts 🙂

  11. @chelleec23
    @chelleec23 says:

    Thank you for this. I learned a lot and I've had cronometer for years 😂
    I mostly track on Noom because I'm trying that out to lose weight. I still use cronometer to check my protein intake, though.

  12. @gailwoolley5540
    @gailwoolley5540 says:

    Hey Joey! I just found you recently and I just started tracking calories last week. I like to track by hand in a calorie-tracking journal (same non-techno age group as you!) and with an Excel spreadsheet. I didn't have too much weight to lose; my BMI now is 23.5 and I've lost about 25 pounds. I'd like to knock off another 7 to 10 pounds to get to about a 22 to 22.5 BMI. All the big name plant-based You-tubers say that you don't have to track calories when you follow a plant-based diet, but I'm finding that to not be true – at least not for me. I eat a very clean diet, but I do love my medjool dates, nut butters and nuts. I know they have a higher caloric density, but I didn't have any idea how MUCH I was eating in terms of calories. Now that I see it in back and white, I'll have to work on making some adjustments – like using more PB2 instead of peanut butter. I plan on tracking calories for the foreseeable future because it really is eye-opening. (I use a Garmin watch to track calorie expenditure, exercise, etc.) I'm still a work in progress. Best wishes to you and all of your followers!

  13. @TeoJulia
    @TeoJulia says:

    Writing is not my thing, but it had to be done. Joey, thanks for such an amazing, detailed and loving explanation. Thanks for opening the doors of this lifestyle . You are looking great!

  14. @joditischendorf4581
    @joditischendorf4581 says:

    This is wonder! Thanks so much. I’ve downloaded the app & need to get the basics entered. I got a free weight scale & food scale thru my health insurance (real appeal/united healthcare) and excited to start crunching the numbers & losing some weight 😊

  15. @gloriaslone4546
    @gloriaslone4546 says:

    Oh my goodness, this is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’ve been trying to find my numbers lol. I ride a stationary bike 5 days a week for 30 minutes. Would you consider this moderate exercise????? I’m so thrilled that you did this video. I had done a tdee calculator and I’m eating so much less. Love you.

  16. @sheriready1830
    @sheriready1830 says:

    I use Cronometer on my phone. I have taken the time to create recipes that I make often. I weigh and freeze portions, like chili, and I can easily keep track of calories. I started using this more after your first video about not loosing weight. It’s helped me realize that some dishes I used to make were very high calorie. Thank you for these videos. 🙏

  17. @bevllewellyn8799
    @bevllewellyn8799 says:

    Nice one Joey👍

    I’ve been tracking on Cronometer since October and have lost 35lbs by just increasing the fibre, walking, and doing simple stuff. Tracking keeps me mindful of what’s going in, so it works for me.

    I’m interested in your protein intake- never really thought of it, but worth looking in to ( been vegan 7 years abd have pushed against the rote in obsession of everyone I come across, but your stance makes sense)

    Thank you 👍


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