How to Sous Vide Steak | Serious Eats

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Steak is one of the most popular foods for first-time sous vide enthusiasts to cook, and with good reason. Cooking steak the …

24 replies
  1. rdeed darger
    rdeed darger says:

    Amateur hour …………………………….you can not Sous Vide to 130 and than brown to have a medium rare steak. You just cooked it to medium or more medium well. You need to stop Sous Vide at 110 or so, than brown.

  2. cdh79
    cdh79 says:

    After seasoning the steak it's best to first put the steak back into the fridge for an hour (at least 20 minutes) before putting it into the sous vide machine.. or the oven or the grill for that matter.. Reason is that the salt will initially draw out the moisture from the steak and only after about that time the steak will have pulled that salt-brine (if you want to call it that) back in for accepting the flavor of the salt and other herbs..


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