How to Render and Purify Tallow | ODORLESS, WHITE, WET METHOD | Bumblebee Apothecary

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39 replies
  1. @sandracarpenter5678
    @sandracarpenter5678 says:

    It is 1:15 est for me right now. I am severely allergic to pork and beef. When consumed of course. I was concerned about using tallow on my hair because we know that what you put on your skin will soak into your body to some extent. Would you recommend this recipe for me? I’m allergic to pork and beef because of a tick bite.

  2. @sararichardson737
    @sararichardson737 says:

    Hi Marissa, thank you, just did my first tallow. It seems to have worked as you showed me. How do you wash out your cheese cloths used for the straining.? Also my cold tallow does not slide out of the bowl (same as yours) I have to along the edge with a palette knife, turn upside down and drum it out so no seamless moulded form. I have like a full bowl of tallow so maybe that’s why.

  3. @joannebutlerster
    @joannebutlerster says:

    Someone may already have asked this, so I apologize in advance. Is it possible to render high-quality lard this way as well? I have leaf fat from pastured pigs raised on a farm near me. It has been in the freezer for about a year now. (It is fine there.) I really like the approach you use here, which seems more gentle and effective than just melting it down on the stove and trying to remove impurities while it does that.

  4. @thedogshouterer
    @thedogshouterer says:

    Thank you! I got "rendered" tallow from a local farmer to use in balms but it still smells like beef and when I flipped the loaf pans over to melt them I saw these dark bits you describe. I thought it was a lost cause but I see now I can just render one or 2 more times! You are a money saver–thank you!!!!!

  5. @BeccaS1
    @BeccaS1 says:

    What other recommendations do you have with the impurities that you scraped off as well as the “water”….if you don’t have pets/chickens to feed it to and you don’t want to just toss it?

  6. @BdogPi
    @BdogPi says:

    Low didn't work for me.. Had a full crock pot full of 1 inch chunks of fat. Took 15 hours till I finally pulled the plug. Should at least be on high. Even at 15 hours only half of the fat was rendered. I won't use a crock pot again. Way better in a large stock pot. Ended up transferring it over to my large stock pot after throwing half the fat out the first time around. Still ended up with two large mason jars full though. Also, in my experience, after 2 or 3 times around purifying it and letting it cool and dry, the only way to get the water and salt fully out is to simmer only the tallow without any water or salt in it on the last time around. Turns out white and solid. Still a hint of beef smell though.. my last batch I used coffee filters which I think does a better job at filtering than the cheese cloths.. NO odor whatsoever but the tallow takes a while seeping through the coffee filter. This was my first time using cheese cloths. Thanks!

  7. @lorlorashlee3262
    @lorlorashlee3262 says:

    I bought tallow that was grass fed and rendered and i whipped it into face cream…. howeber no matter how much essential oil i put in the smell will not go away id hate to waste it but im no sure what i could do to save it at this point

  8. @spenserclarke5956
    @spenserclarke5956 says:

    Hi there, I just came across this video. I was wondering if you can, or whether you have tried filtering with kitchen oil filters? I don't know if they have a specific name, but they are a large'ish steel cone, and you put large paper filters, like over-size coffee filters to strain cooking oils. Not sure whether the 'fat' content is too high and may clog the paper filter, as opposing to thinner cooking oils. I have have them good for saving on oil to use more times than when I used to chuck it when it got bits in.


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