How to Preserve Yam, Plantains, Potatoes | Flo Chinyere

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How to preserve yams, plantains and potatoes. Yam Recipes: Plantain Recipes: …

30 replies
  1. Whatsyr419 x
    Whatsyr419 x says:

    Please just a typical question from a MAN.
    When it comes to cooking the yam, do you cook from frozen or allow to thaw, if allowed to thaw will the yam not start changing colour?

  2. Ezinne's Kitchen
    Ezinne's Kitchen says:

    Chaaii, this is so relaxing to watch, the way you wrapped them up after flash freezing is giving me life, I felt you did it for me to come pick up 😂
    This Hack is epic, thanks Sister Flo for Sharing 🤗🥰🥰


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