How To Prepare A Beef Sirloin tip roast

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Hello, my cooks I’m going to be just showing you how to prepare a beef sirloin tip roast. This video is for people who would like to …

14 replies
  1. Bhut Jolokia
    Bhut Jolokia says:

    Sunday roast yum!! This reminded me of growing up and we would have Sunday dinner usually at around 2:00 come in the house with that awesome roast aroma. I'm getting hungry and its 11:25 pm.😂 Great video!!👍👍😁

  2. Elizabeth Shaw
    Elizabeth Shaw says:

    Rare is not raw by any stretch of the imagination! I like medium rare and I pull my roast at 120°. This is your future speaking and I have a thermometer which goes into my meat and is either a probe or I have another one that goes to my mobile phone and I can set what I want and it will alert me when it's ready.


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