How to poach a perfect egg using a microwave in 60 seconds

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32 replies
  1. Recipe30
    Recipe30 says:

    Be cautious that anything with hot spots in a microwave can explode, even plain water with build up of steam. I've tried this on many microwaves and it works perfectly, but Not all microwaves are created equal. Safety first. 👍😀

  2. Nowakezone Forever
    Nowakezone Forever says:

    If there is one thing I’ve learned when trying out a new recipe or technique it’s not to follow it blindly.

    I love this video and have watched it several times simply because it’s very organized and well-presented. Also, to personify my toaster, it, too, is a bit zealous when popping up! 😂

    When I learned the technique it was suggested to poke the yolk twice with a fork making a “+” pattern. I think that is the reason I have never had an explosion. A dash of white vinegar, as another person said, helps keep the white together.

    For me, using a clear glass cup was very helpful in the beginning because I could watch the progression of the cook. Now, having had much more experience with this technique, I know that poking the yolk twice and microwaving for 1:10 minutes gives me the result I want. Btw, my microwave is 900W.

  3. Dan Learned
    Dan Learned says:

    I tried this exactly as described, in a similar shape/size cup. The egg exploded, made a huge mess inside the microwave with egg remnants everywhere and stinking.

    A shame. I love poached eggs.

  4. mcmanpa
    mcmanpa says:

    Some wrap over the top of the cup would help avoid an eggsplosion mess. My microwave came with a plastic cover that fits over most dishes; provides the same protective service.

  5. Denise Caringer
    Denise Caringer says:

    I'v always made perfect poached eggs the normal way – on the stovetop in simmering water. But this is so much easier. I read your warnings and just guessed my way through it. What worked for me was full power for 40 seconds and then 80% for 20 seconds. Trial and error…. Depending on size of egg and temp of water, I've also done 50 seconds full power and 10 seconds at 80%. Thank you for this shortcut!!!

  6. pbrin
    pbrin says:

    I just put the egg in a silicone cup with nothing else. 50 seconds and done. I just ease the egg out with a silicone spatula. I use a fairly small microwave so probably not too powerful.

  7. Leon Fulton
    Leon Fulton says:

    How to poach a perfect egg using a microwave
    Cooked in approx 60 seconds, (1200watts) microwave.

    This is a non traditional technique for poaching an egg when you’re in a hurry.

    (Caution liquids can explode by buildup of steam underneath.) Eggs can also explode if your microwave has hot spots, so be very carful, safety first. This has never happened to me at present.

    I can poach two eggs using this method faster than the bread takes to toast.

    Because it cooks using the microwaves plus the heated water, there’s a two way cooking process. So it’s fast! If your eggs are fresh, you’ll find it works amazingly. If you’re eggs are old, you will get mixed results, so always use the freshest eggs possible. Also room temperature eggs work best, so take your eggs out of the fridge 30 minutes prior if you have time.

    Microwaves have different wattage strengths, therefore it may take a little less or a little longer. The one I used was 1200 Watts. Perhaps start with a lower wattage first and increase it from there. Experiment, turn off and check after 45 seconds, then continue so you don’t over cook it.

    You can also use two eggs in a larger bowl, I find cups easy. Half a cup of water per cup does the trick. Enjoy perfect poached eggs. Take notes of timing and settings so you have perfect eggs each time! 🎉


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