How To NOT Go Vegan In 2023 ✌🏽🌱 A Complete Breakdown of Mistakes

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41 replies
  1. Lolly B
    Lolly B says:

    I did the zero oil thing, come to find i feel way better with olive oil every now and then. I should add that i am a vegan will always be vegan since it's not a diet.

  2. Rita Hall
    Rita Hall says:

    Labeling is a major issue in the U.S. Being vegan puts you in a hypocritical light as dairy/meat products are in almost everything like sugar -I now say I try to live a vegan “ lifestyle “ and eat plants If it becomes a religion I’m out

  3. Victoria Cathcart
    Victoria Cathcart says:

    Meat and dairy is low vibration to eat and acid forming, hurting animals….. I think those three things are plenty enough reason to not eat it. I feel terrible whenever I eat any of it. I don’t believe in “balanced diet” just get your nutrition!

  4. Unflappable
    Unflappable says:

    I read the China Study and went vegan immediately. It hasn’t been easy but I’d never eat meat or dairy again for my health, for the planet and to stop animal cruelty. I’m an unselfish 57 year old who cares about others – call me a dickhead.

  5. Optical Man
    Optical Man says:

    their dropping like flies becuase their health is being destroyed not because they did the diet wrong
    the plant based diet is full of anti nutrients which are defense chemicals which means you can not absorb
    the nutrients from the food in its full amount

  6. Optical Man
    Optical Man says:

    veganism isn't healthy thats a lie people have been sold
    no such thing as a healthy vegan anti nutrients are defense chemicals
    you find in plant foods so things like legumes grains nuts
    vegetables and they come in three main forms oxalates lectins and phytics acid
    now they do a few things they can discrupt digestion which is why you might be feeling bloated but the main thing they kind of known for at the moment is they block absorption of nutrients and what you ll find is that plans food that are high in cerain nutrients are allso high in the corresponding anti -nutrients so if you take legumes for example are high in zice for a plant food and they re allso high in phytic acid which blocks the aborpion of zinc so if you look at chickpeas 100 grams of chickpeas contains 3.4 milligrams of zinc but you wont be able to absorb the that becuase of the phytic acid whereas if you take an animal food like oysters 100 grams of oysters contains sixteen point six milligrams of zinc so much more and no anti-nutrients so you be able to absorb more of it

  7. Lilac Luisa
    Lilac Luisa says:

    I definitely agree that most people go into it for their health and forget about the animals entirely. I went vegan for the animals over 7 years ago, but I have also struggled with disordered eating from the very start. I’d experimented with raw veganism, rawtill4, fruitarian… all the extremes. I even left veganism for a month (two years in) because I felt weak and thought I needed to include fish in my diet. However, I then remembered all the suffering I’d witnessed and thankfully came back running with a lot more knowledge about nutrition. Now, I don’t worry so much about the specific foods I eat, but only that I’m getting enough calories and over 100% of the daily requirements for all micronutrients I need. I also stick to whole foods as a rule of thumb. This has naturally led me to the healthiest, most nutritionally complete and diverse way of eating I’ve ever followed. I now load up on delicious fruits, dark leafy green salads, whole grains, beans, lentils, chickpeas, plenty of healthy fats, and so much abundance, and I’ve even been able to lose 18 lbs. of excess weight so far eating this way. A plant-based diet can be the healthiest diet out there, but I will forever stick to veganism solely for the animals.

  8. Pide Tods
    Pide Tods says:

    I agree 💯 as someone who went vegan now 6 years ago and stuck with it, I love doing this just because I believe it’s the right thing to do for the animals. And ofc no one should do it unless they want to, you can’t push it on to people, they need to conclude it themselves.

  9. Horus
    Horus says:

    Thank you for this video Miles! I have been struggling my whole life with my eating choices. I grew up eating poorly and I still do. I have a very hard time with sticking to things especially since I get triggered by food easily. I'd say I have some sort of eating disorder. I get triggered and then binge. I went vegan about 6 years ago maybe. But I have, esp the last couple years, i have been constantly triggered and will binge non vegan junk food. It's just more available than vegan food. I feel so guilty every time because the reason why I went vegan was for the animals and spiritually in some senses too. But mostly because of the animals. But I just CANT stop eating junk food and chocolate and pastries and anything I see I need to eat. I work with people with disabilities so I have to make them food every day. I am around it all the time. Constantly triggered. Since skip the dishes came into my life, I use it sometimes more than once a day so if I order something non vegan, I dont feel as much shame as if I was in public getting that food. I feel so much shame and sadness from it. Noone knows in my life because I dont want them to think that people cannot be vegan. I want to be a shiny example but I have always battled with food since I was a kid. I used to closet eat as a kid. I always had shame around food. I know I have to heal this part of me to truly embrace the vegan lifestyle without any set backs and things like this. I just dont know how. I've tried so many things but I don't talk to people about it. I feel so awful every day. I think all of the time about telling someone. I think it has a lot to do with how adhd has affected my life, my behaviours, thoughts, how I view myself and habits. Theres many layers.
    Also what makes it difficult is that it is just a difficult lifestyle, at least for me. Because I used to love eating with my family but since I went V years ago, I stopped eating with them. I don't feel comfortable for many reasons. Family holidays surrounded by non vegan food makes me sad. At first I did my best to provide vegan dishes but being the only vegan one, it just sucked. There are many layers to it that I have trouble with when it comes to this lifestyle but I am a walking bleeding heart, especially for animals. Trigger warning and this might sound dark but sometimes I think that if I wasnt here then animals dont have to suffer because of me. And I wont have to suffer from both sides of this that I am struggling with.
    Anyways, im sorry for this chaotic message and I am fine. Just a little bit of the reality I have faced with this. I am trying to find balance in all of this and to get control over what I'm struggling with while also defending the lifestyle. It's in my spirit to live a vegan lifestyle, I know it in my being, but outside of that is a lifetime of struggle as well. If anyone has any advice. I am open. Thank you for reading and many blessings to you!

  10. TheFettuck
    TheFettuck says:

    Veganism is hypocritical and pointless in my humble opinion. Why would you stop eating animal products when animal cruelty and animal exploitation are in other ways still a part of your lifestyle? Why do "vegans" continue to buy commercial crops when they know that commercial crop farms use harmful tools (insecticides, pesticides, nets, traps, guns, etc.) during the production of their crops? Why do "vegans" continue to kill mosquitoes when these insects just show their natural behaviours for their own reproduction? Why do "vegans" continue to advocate against the CO2 emissions from cows when they continue to eat tropical ingredients which are transported from across the planet? I could go on for hours why veganism is hypocritical and pointless.

  11. Hannah Brown
    Hannah Brown says:

    I agree with like 90% of this. I’ve been vegan since 2015. But was a super vegan junk food foodie. I’m still a vegan foodie but I’ve largely cut out processed foods. I follow (as close as I can) to an SOS free vegan whole foods diet and I’m also philosophically vegan through and through. Why? Because I got diagnosed with endometriosis around 4 months ago. And I found that cutting out the majority of junk food and eating healthy fats and greens, kimchi, tofu etc etc really helped with lessening the chronic inflammation in my body. And low and behold my endometriosis is much better. 👍🏼 I can’t eat too much vegan “shit” junk food as you say bc it will literally increase inflammation in my body and give me pain with the endometriosis. But like you said, veganism is really a philosophy and I’ll be vegan for the rest of my life. I could never ever go back to eating animal products

  12. Kasey Montague
    Kasey Montague says:

    I’m sure I speak for most of us (Americans) here, we do not watch your videos to hear you speak “American.” We’re here for you, your knowledge, your energy, and maybe a small bit, for your accent.

  13. mariah maynard
    mariah maynard says:

    Joel Furman eat to live , and macrobiotics (from obviously the vegan standpoint studies ) by Kushi,please can we discuss that, also with the china study a lot of the truths (the example around the peanuts in third world country not getting certain cancers vs the upper classes is very interesting and would be worth discussing )are there as you stated , and yes they do the studies on people who consume Some small amounts of animal product but what would be Intresting to discuss Miles around the china study are what kind of things do people realize that is so untrue about the china study after going vegan outside of the apparent lack of fat in the china studies recommendations, I don’t know if your channel would be open to this but even talking about cobalt and some studies around soils from local farmers that annually implement that in there yield vs ones that don’t might rationalize the understanding to stripping the b12 and shopping locally , discussions ARE everything!!! 🙏🙏🙏

  14. Marlo SunnyFruit
    Marlo SunnyFruit says:

    Multi Info for all of you: don't buy the expensive ones, only if you have a lot of money, like too much money.
    Buy organic and tested powders, that are only from whole-foods.

    Example for the Multi- mix: Spirulina, Chlorella, any berries Powder like Acerola, Amla or Raspberry (I use Aronia, as i live in EU and this one is cheap, local and fresh here), any Green Juice Powder, MSM and Magnesium Citrate.
    Largest amount comes first in this list, no measuring or weight necessary.

    There are many well known and/or trendy powders one could add, depending on ones needs: broccoli powder (tastes nasty), moringa powder (even more nasty), wild nettle powder (that one is actually very good and tasty), etc

    I am careful with iodine, but the Spirulina I use, has some. I would take Kelp tabletts to be sure you have enough, especially if you are planing on or you are becoming a mother right now.

    Take the powder mix once a day, if you can, in the mornings. I put it in a Smoothie or mix with lemon water.
    It is very good and affordable. You will have enough added minerals and vitamins, and chlorophyll/greens, too.

    I get testet every year for critical nutrients like zink, selenium, iron, iodine, B12. I have not been deficient in anything since I mix my own multi !
    In the winter i take VitD, of course.

    If you don't get your blood tested regulary, you should really take a vit B12 supplement. I rely on the alge in my multi powder and it has proven to work, for ME. But please do not experiment on this one!

    Omega 3 you have to eat daily. The Omega 3 supplements have shown to be potentially harmfull lately!!!

    10 years vegan, 15 years yogateacher, 5 years BA nutrition coach here.

  15. GMT-01
    GMT-01 says:

    Thanks for the video. Gotta say, was getting worried you weren't going to mention the entire point of Veganism. But well said at the end, there, I reckon.

    Obviously, most people here will know all of this, but it's more for the folks that might still be confused or unsure.

    I would suggest, we need, as a movement, to set the record straight whenever we can. Not to sound elitist, or assigning any status to Veganism(though,of course,i do see it as the only ethical way forward) simply to help people get the definitions clear, and simplify the conversation. By this I mean helping to get rid of terms like ethical vegan, vegan for health or the environment.

    Use of the term"ethical vegan" implies that people could be vegan for another reason other than ethics/rights.

    Not every person who eats a plant based diet is vegan, but all vegans eat a plant based diet.

    Veganism,as i understand it, is an abolitionist, rights based movement, ie basic rights, the right to life, noninterference, bodily autonomy, etc. Not voting rights, right to drive a car, obviously, in the nonhuman animals' case.

    Veganism is not about human health. The focus of individuals who go plant based for their health is themselves, the entire point of Veganism is the standing up for the rights of all sentient beings who are victims of human selfishness.

    While you will find that most vegans, of course, do care about the environment, and agree that it's incredibly important for all earthlings, obviously, I would argue,that it is not and has never been the sole focus of the movement. Though the idea of non vegan, or non PB environmentalists are baffling. As of course a plant based diet has been proven across many studies by many reputable establishments to be the most sustainable and best diet to reduce an individual's carbon footprint.

    So, people go plant based for the environment and/or for their health and of course anyone going PB, is, baring actually going vegan, is the best option for the animals and the planet. Some of these folks,thankfully, do find their way to Veganism once they begin to understand what's involved in the animal ag industry.

    Just some thoughts.

  16. Shannon Mowery
    Shannon Mowery says:

    Best video I’ve seen in awhile! Being vegan 5.5 years now so many people I followed have come & gone! I admit the first 1.5 years I followed the HCLF! I think yes unclenching is the perfect word. I enjoy my sweets, fast foods, fully whole food meals, and just good homemade meals. I like being balanced. But overall being a huge animal lover that’s what truly keeps me vegan the animals have always meant so much to me

  17. mark schuette
    mark schuette says:

    first lets get people to be Vegitarians first ! that alone will dramatically help save a lot of our presious environment. then the next step to Vegan will come easier (and the vegan infrastructure/supply chain will be more developed) when its obvious the climate and every ecosystem on the planet is in decline.

  18. Emma Richardson
    Emma Richardson says:

    When you brought up the different people with their boring diets I actually took a moment to think about my own food. Yeh I’m not making content for others to see so naturally I’m not changing things up and quite frankly I don’t have the money to currently, but I’m sure anyone who tried to adopt my diet (mainly rice, beans, eggs, veggies) would become insanely bored despite my diet helping me lose/maintain weight. Just goes to show we all have different systems with varying needs.

  19. Kiwi Kim
    Kiwi Kim says:

    People who go vegan care greatly about animals and the environment, but vegaism kills millions a of a mala, from the very important things that live in the soil to the rabbits and fox to the birds in the sky. Veganism will not save the environment. Most people quit because it the health deteriorates, especially after 3 to 5 years. Vegans are living on their stores of fat soluble vitamins. The lack of cholesterol and other important nutrients causes their health to implode. A very few seem to be able to do it long term. Look at you. You appear to have aged a decade over the last t years. Look at the 30 year vegans like Dr. McDougall. They look like zombies. Dr. Gregor is only in his late 40s and he looks like an unhealthy 70 year old. Veganism is slow deterioration.

  20. Atheria PsychicGal
    Atheria PsychicGal says:

    I'm a decades long vegan for the animals and also my health. It is so upsetting when people go back to eating animal products because they went WAY too extreme in terms of their vegan diet. The more balanced of a vegan diet I eat, the happier my digestive system gets. (It's been an issue since birth.) And, I want to scream when I hear, "The fat you eat is the fat you wear!" I've been drinking EVOO lately (exaggerating…kind of) and weigh nothing! Interestingly, when I cut out all fats, I actually gain weight…and am miserably bored with the food. I've always paid attention to my protein intake and have never been careless about it.


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