How To Make The Ultimate Slow-Cooked Beef Pot Roast

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This is a pot roast dish that I have made for years. While very simple to make, the layers of flavor in this dish are astounding! I hope you’ll give it a try 🙂 More …

50 replies
  1. Chic Francisco
    Chic Francisco says:

    Looks to me that this really looks so delicious. I will try this roast beef tomorrow for dinner. Will need to buy beef stock though. Thank you for your wonderful video of your ultimate pot roast!

  2. ElSib Clark
    ElSib Clark says:

    I see that this video has been around for several years. I am just now viewing it. At this very moment MY version of your recipe is baking in my oven. It will be ready soon, but I took a taste, and am thrilled at how flavorful and juicy the roast tastes. We are having company tonight and I will be proud to serve this meal. Thanks so much.

  3. Linda Robinson
    Linda Robinson says:

    Please consider other oil's, canola is a man made oil, other's are made from nuts or seeds which is healthier, especially if cold press. Consider Avocado oil, has a high cooking point of 500°, without breaking down.
    I love cooking in cast iron and very healthy. Love your receipe. ❤

  4. Chuzordie 5
    Chuzordie 5 says:

    interesting .. is that a dish for 2, or a single serving in a 400 degree bowl? The presentation was interesting yet seemed like a bit much when placing the dutch oven in the middle of the table after separating the meat into smaller pieces would seem to me the more wholesome and "Made with Love" thing to do for your guests.


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