How to Make the Most Amazing & Easiest Chocolate Cake of All Time with 2 Ingredients!

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How to Make the Most Amazing & Easiest Chocolate Cake of All Time with 2 Ingredients! Hey guys, today I’m making one of my …

36 replies
  1. HalfLatinaJoy86
    HalfLatinaJoy86 says:

    Thank you for the recipe! I was also given a twinge of anxiety as your hair was down and you got close to the electric mixer. Please be careful if your hair isn't pulled back when using something like that. Also, I started Keto again on May 9th, 2023, and its August 9th, 2023 and I've dropped 21 lbs!! I was 247.6 when on May 9th, and am down to 221.1 as of this week!. I actually used to be 276 and dropped 70 lbs in 2020 doing Keto (using a lot of your recipes!) but then in late 2022 I became depressed due to life issues and then gained back 40 lbs. Then in May of 2023 I stepped on the scale and knew I had to make a change. Especially since I could barely wash dishes without feeling exhausted and lethargic. Now, I have tons of energy! I bought coconut butter, and also today cacao butter, so that I can make Keto fat bombs. I am going to make your Cookie Dough fat bomb tonight, and make my own choco chips for it (since I have cacao powder and cacao butter and don't want to spend $10 on Lily's). Thank you!!

  2. Ron S
    Ron S says:

    Gotta admit I was stunned to find that it actually was only two ingredients. I've seen so many of these "only 2 ingredients!" videos that were false that I'm not sure how to process this.
    Is it even legal to be honest on these cooking videos? Am I supposed to report this to Youtube for being truthful? lol
    My only observation is that it looked a little wet in the center. I'd probably cook it for a few minutes longer.

  3. dll Lopez
    dll Lopez says:

    Baked this last night and it was delicious! Added some vanilla extract and a little bit of salted butter to the chocolate and it was a hit! Thank you for this simple recipe!

  4. Roo Roo
    Roo Roo says:

    What did I do wrong? I followed the instructions, my melted chocolate chips were looking nice, and then as soon as I mixed the yellows in it got all hard and crumbly. 🙁


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