How to Make the Best Vegetarian Ramen at Home ベジタリアンラーメン

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This Vegetarian Ramen is going to rock your world! Learn the secret to creating a super-rich and creamy broth! Make it vegan by …

24 replies
  1. じゃが天丼
    じゃが天丼 says:

    Thank you very much for your posting😋投稿ありがとうございます😋



  2. R O N N I E
    R O N N I E says:

    I do like some vegetarian recipes that I have tried over the years. Sunday I bought all the groceries for the week but I will have to make this myself sometime next week. Thank you as always for the video

  3. shinnosuke150
    shinnosuke150 says:

    Mahalo for the recipe! Any ideas on how to make it with less sodium? I printed out the recipe and on the nutritional information it has 2100mg of sodium listed so…. can the broth be less salty?

  4. Poké Lynke
    Poké Lynke says:

    This looks really good. My store doesn't seel bok choy unfortunately so I'll have to omit that, but when I was vegan I was upset that most packet ramen (even the soy sauce kind) always has chicken broth in it. I'm not vegan anymore, but this certainly looks like something I would eat.


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