How to Make the Best Potato Salad in the Instant Pot ~ Easy Cooking

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In this easy cooking video, I make some potato salad in my Instant Pot electric pressure cooker. I added 2 cups of water to the pot …

22 replies
  1. CJ jernigan
    CJ jernigan says:

    Best Foods bought Hellmann's in 1932. Some say it's Slightly different taste, but I can't tell. I grew up on Hellman's on the east coast. One thing for sure… NO MIRACLE WHIP ! Duke's is pretty good too

  2. Deanna
    Deanna says:

    Too funny. 25 years ago when I we got married my husband loved best maid mayo! Haven't seen it here on Texas gulf coast in 20 yrs. Now it's Dukes mayo here in the south! Cant wait to make it July 4th! Thanks!

  3. Gregor Miller
    Gregor Miller says:

    Looks great, on of my favorite side dishes. I do have to go with red onjun, I like the heat. Also, get a medium size groeing pot, add the green onion.
    In a few weeks, new green onion.🙃⛷🐕‍🦺🧄👍

  4. Little Eagle Girl
    Little Eagle Girl says:

    Thank you so much for this video!!! I wanted to make potato salad, but I didn't want to mess it up. Well, now I will make it😊

    Because of your videos, I get to eat well…. at home.
    Thank you so much 😊❤️
    Kisses to Annie ❤️

  5. hhh ggg
    hhh ggg says:

    Onions are toxic. Please don't give any more to Annie. I personally would not want to take the chance. Not worth it. Annie has plenty of food she can have without making her sick or possibly killing her. I know, my opinion but I'm sticking to my comment


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