How To Make Tender,Flavorful Beef Liver & Onions

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Beef liver is perhaps the most nutritious and healthy meat you can eat and cooked right,it’s so delicious Please like, share and …

28 replies
  1. Chunky215
    Chunky215 says:

    I never ate liver when my Grandma would cook it, I still don’t! However, my Jamaican fiancé asked me to cook him some and I followed your recipe (only one that doesn’t use flour and gravy) and he LOVED IT! Thanks for helping

  2. Chris Angelo
    Chris Angelo says:

    Yes ma'am I enjoyed your video… however you warned against "overcooking" the Beef Liver. Now, you never said in this video how long to cook it. Just what you seasoned it with and you DID mention that you were setting the heat to MEDIUM HEAT but since it is only 3m:33sec you could not have fully cooked the liver in that short a time length. I only partially read through the comments section to see if the "length" of the cooking time may have been contained in one or more of the comments. Unfortunately

  3. Egg Pod
    Egg Pod says:

    Looks great. But, what i don't understand is why most of these liver recipes that I watch don't get more creative.
    Add some eggs, some squash, mushrooms, some peppers, some spinach, and so on.
    I feel like the meal could be so so much more. Like, it's already good. But, imagine the possibilities. Lol

  4. Frezzi
    Frezzi says:

    Thank you for this! I was recommended eating this due to low energy levels and am about to try it my first time. Wasn't thinking I would enjoy it, but this video actually made me looking forward to it! Hope I don't mess up the recipe too badly!!

  5. A Person
    A Person says:

    How do you cook liver in boiled water or pressure cooker, without additives so it is tender? Also, how do you cook chicken breast using these methods it is soft as well? I tend to have rubbery pieces.

  6. tcoom76
    tcoom76 says:

    I am 33 and the show Doug on Nickelodeon must have had a profound impact because I have not given this a try until now and WOW! My new favorite healthy meal, thank you.

  7. gfy
    gfy says:

    boo hippy boo, use tallow or lard or butter in addition to olive oil. i also love me some black pepper twice lol, try some white pepper sometime in addition, its powerful good stuff. thanks for your recipe

  8. Frankie
    Frankie says:

    Sweet, I bought a cow liver, having never cooked or eaten one before. Looks much easier to prepare than I thought it would be. Looks delicious!! Thank you Mama Boi ☺️🤙


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