How To Make Shelf Stable SOUR THC Gummies! 🍬🤤[Easy Step By Step Guide] STORE BOUGHT STYLE

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This recipe will get you the closest to store bought Haribo style sour gummy bears. Enjoy! How To Make Shelf Stable THC sour …

36 replies
  1. TheRealM00 The Original
    TheRealM00 The Original says:

    please please please would you make a video on making a tincture using an alcohol of about 138 proof or less please i am told it works but others say dont bother. plesase its not legal in my country could you test this for me and my friends please? we cant get everclear or anything clos e but we can get sugarflair fluid for eddible paint making etc would this work? afaik its just food grade ethanol or isopropyl alcohol but again i am worried

  2. Percy Garcia
    Percy Garcia says:

    EUREKA! I think I think I got the mix down i made a batch with fruit juice instead of water and it's my best batch yet, I will say the consistency isn't quite there yet they are chewy and I can stretch them but they break and they BANGING! thank you Alina!!!

  3. Percy Garcia
    Percy Garcia says:

    Dont know why but I cannot get my mix right first batch was I'm guessing to thin because it never really stiffened up I had to freeze them to eat them and my second batch I didn't even bother adding any THC sauce I was to afraid it wasn't going to be edible lol I will try again I am determined to get my mixture right because I want to make some bomb ass edibles

  4. dld923
    dld923 says:

    Awesome video but I would like to know the ingredients of the tincture and how much you put in it. I think thats the most important information in the video

  5. Stephanie Nail
    Stephanie Nail says:

    I am curious, I have powdered lecithin and want to use infused oil. Do I need to mix the lecithin with water like the potassium sorbate mixture? Or just add the powder into the oil and mix? Really confused about this.

  6. Tommy Last
    Tommy Last says:

    So… Everything works out well until the time I mix my cannabinoids (Delta-8, CBN, and CBC distillates 1tsp of lecithin and MCT oil to bring it to 1/4 cup) into the gelatin mixture. It's separating before I can get all the molds full. Do I need to add more lecithin to the overall mix? Let it cool more before adding the cannabinoid mixture/ tincture? The one that work are very similar to real gummy bears. Any help appreciated.


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