How to Make Pork Chile Verde

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Pork Chile Verde My authentic flavored Mexican Pork Chile Verde starts with browned pork shoulder thats been rubbed with salt, pepper and cumin, then …

6 replies
  1. Adria S
    Adria S says:

    This is twice now that I've been drawn to your recipe, once on your blog and now on youtube. It looks amazing. Is it really sour? That's the problem I've had in the past with using pure tomatillos and not much else to balance it.

  2. g a
    g a says:

    Looks good but a few mistakes here. Seeds and skins are INDIGESTIBLE…need to be seeded and peeled before boiling. I know it’s common practice in Mexican cuisine to not do this but it would be much appreciated for most people who will have terrible gas and bathroom trips the next morning. Also, seasoning your meat with salt in the beginning like that really extracts a lot of blood from the meat…need to keep it moist by not seasoning until searing.


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