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A Perfect clone of the famous Spicy rice from Nandos. This goes with everything and you can change the spice level to suit your …

37 replies
  1. Patricia Hughes
    Patricia Hughes says:

    Looks delicious I'm going to try this. The only problem with me is I can't eat anything too spicy and I used to love spicy food but not now, as I have got older and a lot of Illnesses what else can I use in place of Chilli. Thank you for the recipe

  2. Cottie Chauncey
    Cottie Chauncey says:

    I had no idea I've been cooking 'Nando's' rice for years. I thought it was my own recipe. I mean, literally – all ingredients and the process, identical to mine. Sometimes I exchange the peas for either corn or kidney beans, whatever I fancy.

  3. Jessica Chavez
    Jessica Chavez says:

    I am obsessed with rice Iโ€™m always trying a new recipe, always searching for that perfect oneโ€ฆ this is pretty close!! Loved this!! Thank you! I could live in rice so keep โ€˜โ€˜em coming!! Xoxo


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