How to Make Mustardy Apple Butter–Glazed Pork Chops

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Test cook Keith Dresser and host Julia Collin Davison reveal the secrets to the perfect Mustardy Apple Butter-Glazed Pork Chops.

34 replies
  1. fdwyerSDMM
    fdwyerSDMM says:

    I'm always nervous when ATK brings a new cook in to audition on camera for real… I remember when Keith started and he has totally fit in! Oh and we are making this recipe this weekend.

  2. rudy vel
    rudy vel says:

    Love pork chops during the week and can't wait to make these. Looks so easy! Would love to see a recipe for pork steaks which I make often because they're so flavorful.

  3. Zanna
    Zanna says:

    If you notice…there are very little drippings from the chops. Spray a non-stick pan instead of wasting aluminum foil…we all need to do our part for the environment. It might seem like a small thing to you…but multiply over 1.65 million subscribers???

  4. Salty Crow
    Salty Crow says:

    Are those potatoes on the side in the thumbnail? Kinda looks like German potato salad, maybe? Do you have a recipe for that?
    The chop looks really, really good. I wanna try that. Bet it'd be really good on a grill set up with two heat zones and a chunk of applewood to boost that apple butter. Add a little smokey-ness to the little sweet, YuM.😋
    Thanks for always inspiring ATK.☺💗

  5. Angie Sasha
    Angie Sasha says:

    The wisest thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different streams of income that doesn't depend on the govt. Especially with the current economic crisis around the world. This is still a good time to invest in Gold, Silver and digital currencies (BTC,ETH…)


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