How to Make Lentil Soup | Instant Pot Recipe | Jill 4 Today

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I show you how to make delicious Lentil Soup — easy in the Instant Pot! Hope you enjoy. Instant Pot: Visit My Amazon Favorites Shop …

47 replies
  1. Susie  Lowe
    Susie Lowe says:

    yum 😃 i love homemade soup infact you can't beat home cooked food …i dont get people who eat shit …does nothin for me …but that soup oh yep tummys rumbling …💚

  2. Teresa's
    Teresa's says:

    This was the first ever thing I made in my new pot. You made it look easy, and it was. Thank you. My fear of using it has now banished, and the soup was delicious too.

  3. Jayanti
    Jayanti says:

    Hi Jill, Recipe looks great. I love lentils and WW. I just ordered one of your spray bottles. So happy to see you use it and endorse it. Recently I got two amber bottles and they just send out a stream and I expected a spray. So disappointing. Thanks for posting such great recipes.
    Jay Ann

  4. luvisunik
    luvisunik says:

    Hi Jill, Happy New Year to you & family!..I just found your channel and I am definitely subscribing. I also have an Instant Pot and tried your recipe for the first time but I made mine with red lentils (quick cooking). Everything came out delicious but my red lentils fell apart and it the soup became more of a pea soup consistency. Do you think its the type of lentils I used or should I have used more water?…Thank you for your recipes. I would love to see more of your instant pot recipes as well. Be well and God Bless!

  5. david storm
    david storm says:

    Love the video Jill and I love lentils. I have a question, how long would you cook a 1 lb bag of 15 beans. How much water or broth? I plan to saute beef cube prior, then saute the onions, carrots, and celery. Thanks and have you to tried to use the InstaPot to bake a cake? The videos on UTube says they are good.

  6. Audrey Stevenson
    Audrey Stevenson says:

    Jill I go to weight Watchers and found you making this soup to day. As all the ingredients are Freestyle we made it and enjoying a bowl right now. We followed everything you did except my husband found it hard to believe it only took 6 minutes so did 10 minutes. It is delicious. Thank you

  7. Randy Fukuda
    Randy Fukuda says:

    Thank you Jill! I have most of the ingredients and am heading to the store for the rest. My IP is waiting and my mouth is watering. My wife has the flu and hopefully your soup will aid in her recovery. Thanks again. Randy from Los Angeles!

  8. mary lou tomecek baker
    mary lou tomecek baker says:

    Jill this looks just delicious…made my mouth watery. I use to make a great lentil soup with cilatro, but it took so long on the stove. I haven't made it in years. Seriously thinking about getting the IP. thanks for the video. I subscribed to your channel.

  9. Rowena Thursby
    Rowena Thursby says:

    Jill, like your presentiation – homely and nicely done. You might be interested to know that the good thing about using the Instant Pot is that it gets rid of lectins in the lentils. That's the reason I invested in the Instant Pot, although any pressure cooker would do. Lectins do lots of bad things in the body — gluten is in the lectin family. A good book on the subject: The Plant Paradox by Steven Gundry MD.

  10. Rowena Thursby
    Rowena Thursby says:

    Regarding fenugreek: can anyone please tell me how to use it, because I tried grinding it and it wouldn't convert to a powder, just stayed in its original gritty form. Does it break down, if you add it to a soup or stew and leave it to simmer?

  11. Vinnie Sutra
    Vinnie Sutra says:

    Love the Garlic crusher. I've had mine for a few years now and have found it to be the best. Broke a few of the older style. – Also totally agree with you on only purified water to drink and cook with. Tap water is used to clean the floors. 😛

  12. Janice Ryan
    Janice Ryan says:

    Jill, can you share how you purify your water? I'm still buying it, but I want to purify my own (it's so expensive the way I'm doing it). My objective is to get it so pure there's also no fluoride in it…my service had fluoride in there's so I now buy it via amazon – two crates of 12 bottles a month. You can imagine the cost. Thanks so much!

    BTW – ISNT THE INSTANT POT THE BEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD 😂😂😂. I've got mine going now with vegan chili. ❤️❤️

  13. John Texas
    John Texas says:

    I just made this again and again, it was perfect! This makes enough that I freeze some and I finally used the last of it. Still using that beast of a Tribest juicer…

  14. VitaZgal
    VitaZgal says:

    Hello again…Would you tell me where online to buy the mister spray for the oil…any special oil brand you are using? What is the largest amount of lentils you've used in one cooking session in your pot? I'd love to have a nice amount to freeze as to keep in frig for week. Best ~ VitaZ

  15. VitaZgal
    VitaZgal says:

    You made everything look so simple. I have everything but garlic & am going to make this later this evening. I thank you so much for the inspiration & encouragement to try it out. I've only made a sweet potato thus far in my IPot. The nutrition in this can't be beat. I bet it freezes well also? ! ~ Cheers ~


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