How to Make Instant Pot Popcorn

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Alright, I’m now a believer that the IP can really do popcorn! My first attempt failed – but once I tried it again I finally figured how to make Instant Pot Popcorn!

32 replies
  1. G C
    G C says:

    Well, I LOVE my IP, but…..this was my first failure. I watched your video, and using your settings, I tried it 3 times – once with avocado oil & butter – second with just butter – third with less butter. The result was always the same. One or two kernals would pop, then nothing. The kernels would just sit in the oil slowly toasting to a dark golden brown, with no more pops. We thought perhaps we bought "old" popcorn, so we tested it on the stovetop – it worked. That's why we decided to try that third time with less oil. I'm disappointed and wondering if perhaps my model Instant Pot doesn't get hot enough to do the job. 🙁 I have a new IP DUO SV 9-in-1.

  2. MartyKara
    MartyKara says:

    TY for posting something I love. I do not have that type lid, wasn't thinking of buying one just yet, can I use the lid that came with the IP? Seems like I would, but would I lock it or just cover. Thank you.

  3. Sidney Mathious
    Sidney Mathious says:

    I have to try cooking pop corn in my Instant Pot and see how it turns out. It has been a long time since I ate popcorn and would love to have some now. Thanks for sharing this recipe with us and may you have a Blessed day tomorrow.

  4. Amy Prijatel
    Amy Prijatel says:

    Wait what? What if you have more than one person in your family that wants five kernels of popcorn popped? This looks like non-enough 🍿! I love you & I recommend EVERRRRRRRYONE TO you! You are hands-down tops when it comes to instant pot cooking and understanding how to use the instant pot and I appreciate it because this instant pot is not the easiest thing to understand thank you for all you do! I know it’s not easy when having a family & living life!

  5. Wisegal99
    Wisegal99 says:

    I've done this, but I used coconut oil. Its supposed to have a higher smoke point and can get hotter. Did you have any problems with the oil smoking due to the vegetable oil?


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