How to Make Homemade Japanese Curry Roux (Recipe) カレールーの作り方 (レシピ)

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Learn how to make Japanese Curry Roux from scratch. Only 5 ingredients! This easy recipe will have you cook up many delicious pots of Japanese curry. PRINT …

28 replies
  1. Sunki Kim
    Sunki Kim says:


  2. Meryem Ergin
    Meryem Ergin says:

    Thank you Nami! It’s impossible to get curry blocks in Turkey. I was making curry with curry powder but now I can use this. I’m so excited and can’t wait to make a curry!

  3. Allison
    Allison says:

    Thank you for the recipe!! The curry blocks available at my local supermarket have more cumin flavor in them than I would like… now I can make my own and perhaps cut back on that particular spice a little… yay! 🙂

  4. Goofy Guu
    Goofy Guu says:

    カレールーって作りできるの知らなかったです!🤩 美味しそうですね!


  5. LadyAmatsu
    LadyAmatsu says:

    I just bought a tin of S&B Curry Powder to make my own Japanese curry from scratch. Something about the store bought blocks makes the flavor unappetizing after one bowl. I'll have to give this a try

  6. paladinbob 123
    paladinbob 123 says:

    this might save me a few bob to make….and the finish product looks exactly like the one i get in the shops[uk] ..although i will have to check on the price and availability of japanese curry powder..i guess that will be the definitive thing that will determine whether it will be cheaper to make or buy 🙂

  7. BdotRASS
    BdotRASS says:

    Gotta say I'm really disappointed that the bulk of the flavours is still a bought product.
    Seems like more effort than purchasing premade roux, without any significant benefit.

  8. jerodbjx
    jerodbjx says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to create this video. I have had a hard time finding a recipe as simple as this that also accounts for gluten free needs. I just ordered the same curry powder that you used in the video and I am looking forward to trying this recipe out. Thank you again for all that you do!

  9. dilettaluna
    dilettaluna says:

    So useful, Nami! I have a lot of butter to use and a lot of good curry, this is the perfect moment for this! Unfortunately, I have currently my dominant hand broken, so I'm thinking of trying with the Thermomix, I hope it turns out well. If you'd like, I'll let you know.


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