How to Make Grown-Up Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and Ultimate Cream of Tomato Soup

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Host Julia Collin Davison makes Grown-Up Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Gruyère and Chives, equipment expert Adam Ried shares how to care for wooden …

23 replies
  1. T Mc
    T Mc says:

    On the "how can I make nutrition as fattening as possible" side. BTW I love homemade tomato soup because my vegetarian and diabetic family members can enjoy it. No sugar, no booze goes into what should be a warm family meal of grill cheese and tomato soup.

  2. Hailey Isabella
    Hailey Isabella says:


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  3. Robin Betts
    Robin Betts says:

    My cream of vegetable soups are very creamy, intensely flavored, and don't contain any cream. The veloute on the butter roux is made with stock, juices, and milk. The 'price'? … Taking the time to push the ground, cooked, mixture through muslin. Yes, you lose the fibre.Yes, it takes more time. But the emulsion is perfect, and flavors are made stronger. Maybe not an everyday thing, but I would encourage folks to try it.


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