How to Make Gravy from Turkey Drippings | Christmas Turkey Gravy | Turkey with Gravy | Easy Gravy

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You are cooking for a festive occasion, like Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. You have a turkey coming out of the oven. All your …

35 replies
  1. Anoncast911
    Anoncast911 says:

    Watched a few videos, think I’m gonna stick with this one, maybe add some paprika and hope it works out. Only a few hours until dinner and just waiting for the turkey to be done so I can make the gravy.

  2. Robert Faulkner
    Robert Faulkner says:

    I have watched and practiced many of your videos including making the roux. I'm making the turkey gravy this Thanksgiving Day. I have two jars of store bought for backup. 😊 Wish me luck. Love your channel.

  3. Jon B
    Jon B says:

    I searched for turkey gravy recipe, found this recipe video, 1 min intro and this dude says "stay tuned and I'll walk you through…" Lol, why do you think I'm here, to watch your intro? Thanks for the vid. ❤️

  4. F P
    F P says:

    Never understood the purpose of skimming the fat out of the drippings only to add the drippings to a butter-fat-based roux, anyhow. Why not just use the fat from the drippings to create the roux?

  5. Rat Lips
    Rat Lips says:

    Always great info. I do a lot of cooking for a few friends that can't handle gluten. Do you have any suggestions on substitutions/techniques with rice flour or something else?

  6. John Ryan
    John Ryan says:

    Stumbled across your channel today and subbed. Despite having made gravy many, many times I continue to watch videos trying to pick up tips to help improve mine. Look forward to more videos.


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