How to Make Gluten Free Sourdough Starter

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Join me in my kitchen as I show you how to make a gluten free sourdough starter. WANT TO START YOUR OWN BLOG? Learn how our family supports …

47 replies
  1. Miinda615
    Miinda615 says:

    After cooking GF for four years I finally tried this starter. It took it about two weeks to get good and going, but let me tell you, every recipe I’ve made using it has been a hit. My famous thrilled that I found your channel and your recipes. This week I made your cinnamon rolls GF and wow they were amazing! Thank you

  2. Yana Goldburt
    Yana Goldburt says:

    Hi Lisa, I loved this video, can't wait to make some bread and pancakes. I was wondering when it's finally done maturing, and I want to feed it every day, do I feed once a day, with 1/4 cup of buckwheat flour and 1/4 cup of water?

  3. Tammy Henson
    Tammy Henson says:

    I have severe gluten issue with my gut–dad said I need to get tested for Cialic Disease (runs in family).

    The issue is, what to do with my Nana's 80 year old sour dough starter? Can I feed it gluten free bread flour and keep using it?

  4. Développé Yourself
    Développé Yourself says:

    I am curious to know if you still use this starter and have you have tried it with any bread recipes etc. I just started mine. Once it is ready, how do you know how much to use in a recipe? I have so many questions.

  5. Bekkah
    Bekkah says:

    Hello —
    I love how simple and easy this recipe is to follow – I’m in the Uk and finding it difficult to get hold of buckwheat flour that doesn’t cost the earth!!! So I used doves farm plain gluten free flour – which is a blend of buckwheat, rice, potato, maize and tapioca flour — and it worked perfectly! I made a nice loaf of gluten free sourdough bread — it didn’t rise very much but I think that’s maybe because my starter wasn’t mature enough as I used it on day 7 — if you have some tips on how to maintain and look after sourdough starter once it’s in the fridge that would be great! Thank you! 😍

  6. Reshu Goyal
    Reshu Goyal says:

    Thanks for the wonderful recipe. My sourdough starter came out great! Quick question – do I have to discard half of the starter every time I feed the starter after it’s ready?

  7. Em's Eats
    Em's Eats says:

    The fermentation process sourdough goes through breaks down the gluten. Making a gluten free starter is unnecessary as long as your bread goes through enough fermentation before baking.

  8. Brittany K
    Brittany K says:

    I am still not seeing too many bubbles in my starter, but when i fed it the other day, it did rise and almost swelled out of the bowl. Is this a good sign or should I be seeing a lot of bubbles. Didn’t know if GF was different that regular sourdough in that matter.

  9. Alba Nydia Guadalupe
    Alba Nydia Guadalupe says:

    When I didnt have a starter and I still wanted to try your recipes I just mixed flour with my milk kefir covered with a tea towel and used it the next day like my "sourdough starter" and it worked well.

    However, I now have developed a healthy all purpose flour and water starter. I keep it small like 1 cup. Because I like to keep it in the counter for pancakes, sourdough pizza crust, waffles and flatbreads.
    … But there are days when I want to do something larger and I need more sourdough starter so I just mix flour and milk kefir.

    The good thing is now we are in Spring so the house is warmer. That helps a lot when I want to make lots of pizza…so if I prepare same day sourdough starter with kefir it does develop bubbles by 6-8 hrs!

  10. Sharron Ribacchi
    Sharron Ribacchi says:

    So glad t see this post. I am very gluten intolerant. Everything you do is broken down to the simplest instructions at least it is simple for me. Thank you again. Looking forward to a rice sour dough bread one day.

  11. Hadley Bloom
    Hadley Bloom says:

    So excited that you are paving the way for us with this gf sourdough starter. Getting my buckwheat flour and planning to start cultivating. Did you read anything about adding other ferments to help boost and activate the starter? I make water kefir, so I wasn’t sure if adding some of that would be a good idea or not.

  12. Nathan Ball
    Nathan Ball says:

    Can't wait to see your GF bread recipe. Any hints of what ingredients you are using? I want to order buckwheat flour to get my starter on the go and want to order the ingredients for the bread also. Remote location shipping GMOs super expensive!


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