How To Make Crock Pot Hot Process Soap For Immediate Use

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I show you how to make soap in the crock pot for immediately usable soap. Read the full article: …

28 replies
  1. Smoke Bear
    Smoke Bear says:

    Love πŸ’šπŸ’š making Hot process soap! Have you cooked any of your soaps under 20 min?
    Okay, here goes. I love to induce a volcano not an eruption. While makeing *soap* any aways πŸ’‹
    Add yogurt or sour cream at cool down and we have x to ply 🍷 πŸ’‹πŸΈ.

  2. Christopher Jones
    Christopher Jones says:

    I read from one source that the Lye Solution shouldnt be mixed in Glass.. not even Pyrex Glass that the Lye Solution has been known to etch the glass which isnt good. They say to stick with Stainless Steel (the kind that doesnt have aluminum in it) and food grade safe plastic.. me.. I wont go near plastic no matter what kind it is.. Glass and SS all the way.. but yeah I think im going to stick with only SS because I used to work at a big winery and everything we used to making wine was Stainless Steel. Only time we used plastic was because the powder ingredients come in plastic containers.. we also used plastic spoons for those containers to scoop out the powders. Other than that one can never go wrong with SS.. I wonder how Lye solution reacts with copper?

  3. eileensforte
    eileensforte says:

    I am new to soaping and have leaned more toward hot process soaps (probably because of me being impatient). Out of all of the videos that I have watched, yours was the most easiest to follow! Thank you for this most clear and concise video!

  4. Lally Soap
    Lally Soap says:

    First of all, congratulations on your videos! 😍😍😍
    I always follow you with pleasure! I would like to know if I use the crok pot for soap, do you ruin? Can I use it to cook food?
    Thank you so much and keep it up !!!!

  5. Keep The Change
    Keep The Change says:

    Troy, you get my vote. Any man who would take the time to make soap or any other house hold necessity, gets my vote. I am so sick of people being negative and worrying about why someone uses this over that. What they need to do is make their own soaps, detergent and so on. I too am a Soap Maker, as well as other house hold necessities. I am definitely going to teach my son, to make soap very soon. I know he will love it. He is already an amazing cook.

    Good luck with all that you do. I know your wife is so proud and happy with you. I love the idea of a Homestead. My heart yearns to be away from all of the noise and pollution. Not to mention the TOXIC AND NEGATIVE PEOPLE!


  6. SouthernLadyWithManyHats
    SouthernLadyWithManyHats says:

    Wear gloves, but when you don't wear gloves and you get some of the lye on you I think they say to use vinegar that is suppose to be right there with you just in case of a splash just to be on the safe side. They say use vinegar when you get the lye on you. My sis and I made a pile of soap several years back. We made a lot and we had a blast. Was able to use it for a long time before we ran out. I really need to make some more because I liked the homemade soap. Have fun and be safe. πŸ™‚ I like this method and I might have to try it. Was always worried about that lye since my skin is so sensitive (in making it I mean, not worried about USING it since the lye is gone once cured) anyway like I was saying was always a little scared of that lye so always had help with the process. This one looks easy enough I could do it by myself I think. Thanx for sharing.

  7. Iain
    Iain says:

    Generic vegetable oil brings nothing to a soap, it doesn't provide any qualities at all. Better off just using olive and Coconut and if you want to add a moisturising element add shea butter.

  8. Leesa Stevens
    Leesa Stevens says:

    Is that what is with MRE meals to heat it up? Facinating. YouTube is ridiculous. They are using censorship to the max. Not freedom of speech anymore. Thanks for the quick soap.How many "bars" do you get and how much is the total cost to make it? Just wondering how much making your own would you save you, if any? At least you know what is in it. Did you know powered "Orris Root" preserves herbal oil smells?In case you use natural plant essense to perfume your soap. It is a natural preservative.


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