How to Make Creamy Instant Pot Grits, ~Pressure Cooker Grits~ Super Easy (035)

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Even instant grits require you to stand over the stove and stir to keep them from sticking and burning. I like to cook my grits for 20-30 minutes to make sure they …

17 replies
  1. wyzemann
    wyzemann says:

    You BRILLIANT chef! I just completed this recipe with some minor modifications, and I am very pleased with the results. My problem is I have the Ultra 8qt instant pot. Yeah, I should've set the pressure to low. I got the burn notice🤦🏾‍♂️. Anyway, I'm still a newb to the ipot, but definitely not to cooking. I knew as soon as I saw "burn", it was time to press cancel. Guess what…my savory grits were all done and surprisingly near perfect. I added the milk to mine during cooking and it tastes divine. Enough typing…time for me to chow down. Thank You, Lady, for an unforgettable recipe.

  2. Philip Bagwell
    Philip Bagwell says:

    Hi, let me make this crystal clear…I never even heard (being from So. Cal.) of a grit until I started driving over the road 2005-2012. Then the farther I got away from the west coast the more I saw them on the menus across the USA. The looks of them reminded me of Cream-of Wheat. And the way I ate that was w/milk and sugar over the top so I tried that w/grits and liked it, so I eat it for breakfast as a side for everything else. Love your videos and joined your different sites so when I can talk wife into letting me buy Beeville air toasted I'll know what to do w/it besides just throwing in different frozen foods to cook.

  3. Erica
    Erica says:

    Is this your favorite pressure cooker to use or is there another one you recommend? I want to buy my first pressure cooker but not sure which one to go with.


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