How To Make Creamy and Delicious Oatmeal on the Stove | Easy Rolled Oats Recipe

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This video walks you through how to make creamy and delicious oatmeal on the stove. First, I’ll explain the basic ingredients, including why I prefer using old …

48 replies
  1. The Chic Life
    The Chic Life says:

    If you're here because you want to eat oatmeal as one component of improving your life by getting healthier and feeling better, I wanted to let you know that I've moved away from food blogging and into talking about Mindset and Manifestation because after my health journey, working in these areas literally changed my life for the better! 😊🙌And now I create content to help others do the same!

    If you want to learn how to manifest, then check out this video for my 3 step process:
    And if you're already into manifestation, but you're wondering why it's not working, I've created this free training on How to Overcome Your Manifestation Blocks – Powerful Techniques the Experts Don't Share – get instant access here:

    Happy cooking and I wish you your biggest, boldest, and happiest life! You deserve it!

  2. Semba
    Semba says:

    If you feel you going to pass motion more after u eat oats then soak it 30 minutes . Throw away the water.
    It really helps.
    I get like diarrhea type pass motion many time. Something in the oats cause this. I don't know the scientific term/name. 😊

  3. Zahrah Khan
    Zahrah Khan says:

    I think I may be one of the very few people who dislike the old fashioned oats. The chewier texture makes me feel like I'm going to choke on it and to be honest with you makes my jaw hurt. I just find the texture unpleasant. I've always preferred the quick cook oats. Don't see anything wrong with them.

  4. Atlas Latest
    Atlas Latest says:

    It seems amazing but all those products are water guzzlers almond milk especially. This kind of farming is one of the reasons california has a water problem and I'm guessing Adds to wildfires. This huge demand for almonds is a problem.

  5. Ill Villain
    Ill Villain says:

    I needed this video. I remember making oatmeal as a teen & it always came out good. Now that I'm an adult I've been having a lot of trouble. I think it's either bcuz I'm using too much water or too much oats. I'm not the type to measure when I cook. But the best oatmeal I've ever had came from my old man. Gotta get back to making it like him & how I did when I was a teen. I'm determined to accomplish this task damn it! Lol!😂


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