How to Make Chinese Secret Anti-Aging Soup, CiCi Li – Asian Home Cooking Recipes

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Today we are lucky to have Mia of Asian Beauty Secrets to be on our show. And together we are going to make a sweet soup that’s going to beautify everyone. It will help to reduce ace, uneven skin tone, and anti-aging effect.

3 wood ear mushrooms
10 red dates
1 tablespoon of goji berries

Soak 3 white wood ear mushrooms in water overnight. Wash 10 red dates and 1 tablespoon of goji berries in cold water. Then in a pot, add 6 cups of water and the white wood ear mushrooms. Bring to a boil then turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Then add the red dates and simmer for another 20 minutes. Add the goji berries and cook for another 2 minutes. After the water is cooled down, add honey accordingly to your taste.

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46 replies
  1. Vitaria Liang
    Vitaria Liang says:

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    Pricelist sbb:
    *Peachgum Special Pack with Snow Birdnest 125K (untuk 8-10 cup)
    *Peachgum Premium Pack 100K (untuk 8-10 cup)
    *Peachgum Simple Pack with Snow Birdnest 75K (untuk 3-4 cup)
    *Peachgum Simple Pack 60K (untuk 3-4 cup)

    Silakan diorder sist 😀
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    Untuk informasi bisa WA : 085211409699 untuk tanya tanya.

    Ditunggu ordernya sist 😀
    Terima Kasih

  2. Lazy Yajsiab
    Lazy Yajsiab says:

    Do you know where I can find the Woodear mushroom? I have this date goji berry by accident met an old friend and I have never ever forget. So yummy! Finally found it. Thank you.

  3. Jiaun Mew
    Jiaun Mew says:

    we use rock sugar instead of honey. Honey can destrube the herome in the body is those who have manopluase or herome problems don't eat honey. sorry can't spell well it's women stuff 😛

  4. Meggie Meg Murphy
    Meggie Meg Murphy says:

    I was very impressed with your video presentation and went to my local Oriental market and purchased exactly the same ingredients….soaked overnight, cleaned exactly the same and cooked according to your very clear directions. It must be a cultural things…being a Westerner, my taste buds for 79 years have developed from varying flavor profiles. I tried 3 times to eat this soup, but there was no taste and the texture was most difficult for me to digest. I had such high hopes as I suffer with inflammation. Good luck to all those who are able to ingest this.

  5. TheOpelkoenjas
    TheOpelkoenjas says:

    Used white fungus for the first time, and I love it! I added wonton broth, dried seaweed strips and the white fungus (both soaked and rinsed of course, and the white fungus trimmed), a bit of sliced veggies (green beans, carrots, onion, leek and chili pepperseeds), let it simmer for about 10 minutes and then at the end added wonton shrimps and let it simmer for another 3 minutes. Delicious!! I ate the whole pot in less than an hour, that's how good it is! Planning on making this daily, to help me loose a few pounds while still enjoying good food. 🙂


  6. Ka Ying Moua
    Ka Ying Moua says:

    Hi… I was going through the comments to hopefully find something on how often to eat this soup. There's so many to go through. Can you specify please? How much per day, daily or times per week? Thank you!!!

  7. lai apollo koo
    lai apollo koo says:

    Just a basic knowledge:
    If you are professional enough and you want the nutrition from the honey, you shouldn't use a metal spoon to scoop the honey. You can use a wooden spoon instead. Using the metal spoon to scoop that honey made me tears.

  8. Theresan Vong
    Theresan Vong says:

    Wood ear mushrooms can be found at the Asian store but its labeled as white fungus. I just bought some today at a Korean market and that's what it's called. You can make it as a salad mixed with seafood and veggies with sweet chili sauce and lime on it. Tastes delicious!

  9. Vincencia L
    Vincencia L says:

    Oohh I know it know,why does this dessert drink only found in chinese people market in indonesia n in singapore,.hmmmm. I love that taste, I want to try to making it as soon as possible. Thx for the menu. 😊

  10. F027
    F027 says:

    Thats true its so Good, thank you so much to share with us how to cook the soup 😍.
    You are lovely 🙏
    Best wishes for you two. 谢谢 👍🏻👍🏻

  11. Erika B.
    Erika B. says:

    Hi beautiful girls!! I love your video thank you for sharing with us. My classmate invited me this sweet soup and I love it. I need to know how to prepare it. Greetings from California 🤗


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