How to Make Chicken Schnitzel and Potato Roesti

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Host Julia Collin Davison fries up crispy Chicken Schnitzel, equipment expert Adam Ried reveals our top picks for cooking thermometers, and test cook Keith …

41 replies
  1. Adam Churvis
    Adam Churvis says:

    18:29 There is an *INFINITELY* better way to do this — and all in one go:

    1. Spread the potatoes in a single, even layer edge-to-edge across the surface of the towel, except leave two inches empty at the edge of one of the shorter-length sides.

    2. Starting at the other shorter-length edge, where the potatoes come right up to the edge, begin rolling-up the towel onto the layer of potatoes, like you would make a pinwheel cake.

    3. Once it is all rolled up you'll see why you left two inches empty at the other edge; it should now have some of the potatoes slid into it.

    4. Now gradually twist the ends of the rolled-up towel in opposite directions, tightening the roll until it starts to buckle into a more knot-like shape.

    5. Unroll the towel and shake over a very large mixing bowl or a very large baking sheet to catch all the dried potato shreds.

    You will use this technique quite a lot for various similar tasks.

    I hope this helps.

  2. P Hicks
    P Hicks says:

    Finally!! I am so pleased to see that Julia has her hair pulled back and away from food that she is preparing. It is hard to take others seriously when this isnt the first thing that long haired culinarians do. Thank you ATK.

  3. mynala110
    mynala110 says:

    Please stop using vegetable oil and show us healthier substitutes. It’s a shame with everything we know about the inflammatory nature of vegetable oils that you are still using 1980 oil.

  4. Mike Gray-Ehnert
    Mike Gray-Ehnert says:

    Back in Jan of 86 was blessed to tour the Holy Land. A dinner option at least 3 nights was turkey schnitzel. After going next to Egypt and seeing all the pigeon coops, the running joke was that we wouldn't eat pigeon snitzel!

  5. Hortense
    Hortense says:

    For pete's sake! Take off the rings when you handle raw meat! I noticed one of your other cooks has started taking off her rings. Finally. Unless you're scrubbing the rings with a soapy toothbrush when you wash your hands, you aren't being sanitary.

  6. B Callahan
    B Callahan says:

    Two classics that bring back memories.
    And a realization that simple tweaks in recipes often arrived by different cultures or regions can really take the same old thing and add variations.
    All done really frugally. Which is a necessity these days.
    It's heartbreaking to find out when a pasta dish calls for a cheese that can cost 12-20 dollars a pound and requires half a pound.
    Why I started buying bulk herbs/ spices and growing herbs .
    A real game changer.
    Great show👍👍

  7. 13soap13
    13soap13 says:

    You lost me with the crazy apple recipe which I would never ever make. In fact, your production did nothing to even convince me I should make it. Keith, allow the potato water to sit for 5-10 minutes. Pour it off … and save the starch … you don't have to add corn starch. To all my beloved ATK cooks … I am very disappointed in your very bland kitchens. BORING! By virtue of your jobs, you have access to some wonderful kitchen designers. Does not have to be expensive … just creative … which is what ATK is all about … Right?


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