How To Have Food When You Have No Money Struggle Meal Ideas Cheap Easy Free

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How To Have Food When You Have No Money Struggle Meal Ideas Cheap Easy Meal Ideas When There’s Nothing To Eat …

33 replies
  1. CM Sag
    CM Sag says:

    Maybe if the feds quit confiscating our earned income, to transfer wealth, and buy votes, the parents could feed their children. Not my job to feed other folks kids – that is their job. Sorry, not sorry.

  2. stacy Let's go Brandon!
    stacy Let's go Brandon! says:

    The fist thing I learned to make in home ec, and still make to this day. Biscuit pizza's. 1 can of 8 jumbo biscuits $1.52, 1 can tomato sauce 0.72, mozarella cheese $2.00, oregeno and garlic powder. Flatten biscuits on baking sheet with hands, put 2T sauce on each biscuit. Sprinkle the spices. add a generous slice of cheese on each biscuit. Bake 375 until done.

  3. Shari E
    Shari E says:

    I like to top scrambled eggs with salsa. Really tasty! Another cheap yet tasty meal Is hot dogs cut up into (canned) baked beans. Not for toddlers though. Choking hazard. Thank you for your very informative channel!

  4. bigjacdaddy
    bigjacdaddy says:

    I hired a couple of people for day labor from our city homeless shelter. One thing I found out talking to the intake desk was that there are more people asking for help than in the past. She said that local bread vendors were droppping off bread, rolls, packaged cookies and bagels along with some pies when they had to remove them from the shelves grocery stores….she was handing them out to anyone the organization couldn't help to feed them and told them to go use the spigot on the side of the building to rinse and refresh themselves and fill their water bottles..she said they shut the water off to those spigots at 4:30 so there wouldn't be anyone hanging around all night. I have only hired from there twice to have some furniture moved around I bought from an auction and I used her recomendation on who to hire…you do have to be careful. ( I paid them generously and they were proud to have the jobs ) this whole comment is just to bring awareness that if you have something to share like a tray of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches think of dropping by a shelter. and again you must be cautious for your safety don't just assume every person there is just a good person down on their luck. the mrs. widow of bigjacdaddy

  5. Cathy Cambrice
    Cathy Cambrice says:


  6. daval
    daval says:

    I've been gone for over a year, … did you miss me?
    I don't know what's the dumpster diving is like these days, … but man, a couple of years ago the stuff I got.
    The hard cheeses wrapped in heavy plastic! Gallons of mollasses and pancake syrup. I must of collected 40 lbs of peanut butter. Opened one peanut last month from 2019 and it was already at the BBD when I stashed it. If anything goes off, I feed it to the chickens. Do you know chickens will eat anything?
    I'd raid the food bank once a month too. Not hitting them anymore either. Just too much trouble at the moment, … you know, pandemic and all. The food bank has been flooded with "newbies".
    The price of everything has doubled since I started prepping three and a half years ago.
    Now I only go for the deals and big bulk buys.
    A large insulated "fish tote" with a tight lid holds a half ton of whole wheat, … go figure.
    The work and the Ways of the Win/Win is coming along nicely and so too is the paradigm shift I'm working on, .. the one that shifts the unsustainable "for profit" to a community owned "Not For Profit" is really making sense and is so profitable for the future.
    Work, work, work, ….

  7. Marla Pettitt
    Marla Pettitt says:

    We had breakfast for dinner often hamburger gravy on pancakes and what was called shit on shingles which was a white gravy with some kind of lunch meat usually corn beef on torn up toast still to this day one of my favorite comfort foods there are so many different ways you can make things cheap and tasty play with changing or adding ect make it fun get the little ones evolved have fun
    God bless

  8. Babauna Tolson
    Babauna Tolson says:

    $store, gas station mini Mart and clearance section at the store….all good places for tid bit food items. ( My ten pound bag of potatoes had 35 potatoes in it. 35 meals👍👍 1 per day with whatever toppings… leftover veggies, soup without water added, cheese, can of chili or chicken split into serving size, herbs and butter from the $store) another one is to make butter&cheese sandwiches out of loaf of bread $1.99 for the bread .butter two slices on one side and add cheese of any kind. Put all back in loaf bag and freeze. Pull out and use leftovers to fill it and grill it or toast it.

  9. Kristin B
    Kristin B says:

    I just checked and a pound of beans at Walmart here is $1.78. Add a carrot, maybe an onion, and you have an entire pot of soup for less than a can would cost.

  10. Rebecca Sanford
    Rebecca Sanford says:

    I just want to put out to the Universe that Food Banks are NOT designed for people to use as a Prepping Resource. Saying this because I’ve seen it commented on several times on several pages. “We’re going to the Pantry for our Prepper haul”…….

  11. Sandy Tmobile
    Sandy Tmobile says:

    Our food banks will do emergency drop offs at homes in need being our town found mom's with no gas or car's and so this is going on. DHS is doing free backpack for kids and meals to go home from school to feed kid's. I'm taking every seed out and washing it to dry to grow next year. Veggies from my garden or friends or even store bought I can try but wright on the bag what it is and were the seeds came from. Always let food banks know to take your name for fresh garden food. People do care but you have to be the one to ask also offer to pull some weeds for a few things from a garden I just did that one for tomatoes.

  12. Lynn Behnke
    Lynn Behnke says:

    A fun, cheap way to host a bunch of people in the fall is to put a big pot on a campfire. You start with some hamburger and chopped onions. Everybody brings a can of vegetables or soup or whatever, plus a spoon. Add all the cans to the pot and serve the resulting soup in each person's can. Beverages, bread, relishes, etc. are optional additions to the meal from those who want to bring more.

  13. j taubel
    j taubel says:

    My mother made Hobo Dinners. She wrapped cooked hamburger, mixed veggies and potato cubes or rice in some tin foil and heated it in the oven or grill. We thought they were delicious! She also made Welsh Rarebit, a can of cheese soup heated up and poured over toast. Another of our favorites. There's also creamed chip beef over toast, just make a white sauce, cut up some Buddigs Chipped Beef into the sauce and pour that over toast.

  14. Betty Adkisson
    Betty Adkisson says:

    Ride your bike with a baby carrier attached too your bike. I have friends that use them at every church food bank. I was just Arthur witch is a Amish area and they ride their bikes everywhere they go or horse and buggies. And never go hungry again when you have plenty of salads full of multiple of vitimans and you can fish for a meat source and van make bone broth from the bones and veggie scraps and it can be canned for more meals too come throughout the winter months. And forage for berries along railroad tracks and fruits trees in abandoned farms but ask your neighbors if you can work off for a bags of fruits. I've asked and they said I could have some if I would make a pie or apple crisp. And always keep pie crust & crisp topping in your freezer. 1 -5 lb. Bag flour all purpose, 3lbs shortening bacon grease,1 lb. Butter ,1tsp.salt 1/3 cup sugar and 1 quart of ice water. Cut butter into pea size mix shortening and butter together then dry ingredients then slowly add water . It makes 20 -8" pie crusts. And always keep 5 lbs. Each all purpose & selfrise flour on hand. For biscuits,dumplings,egg noodles all purpose flour, gravies,pancake,waffles, chicken pot pies,potatoes pancakes. Sugar,powdered milk,and veggies,and boilloin cubes. Rice, pasta,oatmeal,soup beans,lentils. They can be made into veggie burgers. Poke greens and wild onions and garlic. Most yards have all you can eat. And show your children what they look like and how too cook them so they will never go hungry again in the future.

  15. Nancy St.John-Smith
    Nancy St.John-Smith says:

    I hate that our country is facing food insecurity. I do want to add the obvious ways to save money in order to have money for food. Make a shopping list and hit the discount grocery stores. Inventory your pantry. Look for balance. All carbs (rice, ramen, pasta, cereal) won’t give the nutrition that humans need. Buy some vitamins. Two examples of the importance of vitamins: You need vitamin C to burn fat. You can become psychotic with severe B-12 vitamin deficiency. Make sure you have fat, carbs and protein in the pantry. Learn to cook and actually make food. We have had an amazing time of surplus for many years. We’ve gotten soft!

    Here’s what my parents taught me about $$:
    Practice NOT spending. No fancy coffees, no eating out, no fancy hair processes, no tattoos, no nails, no fancy makeup, no spur of the moment retail therapy. No unnecessary expenditures. No unnecessary car trips.
    It is a different life than we are used to. High end products aren’t the only products that work. There are plenty of bargain products that work well!

  16. Luzii Luiz th.
    Luzii Luiz th. says:

    Amazing amazing video sharing as always dear friend 😊❤️
    It's great 👌👌
    You are amazing
    Thanks for sharing this with us giving another a big Big like thumbs up 👍👍👍
    See you again on next video 📸❤️
    Luiz here again 🤗🎸🎸
    Keep intouch 👍❤️

  17. Landy Greene
    Landy Greene says:

    Many people I meet seem to think that landlines are necessary along with every cable channel available. We got rid of our landline years ago along with our cable TV through an antenna up outside picks up local channels don’t need anything else we use our phones for all our needs and have thought about getting rid of those but that’s just a little much for now. Also learn to take a little cooler showers after all it is hot outside in most places take a cooler shower save on your water bill wet yourself down turn your water off shampoo lather up turn your water back on and rinse off get out don’t take a long hot shower there are a lot of ways to save a lot of money if you choose to

  18. Helen Roberts
    Helen Roberts says:

    I remember as a kid we had government cheese. It was a big block of cheese. It made the BEST toasted cheese sandwiches. I don't know if they do that anymore, but they should bring it back to help folks.

  19. Nancy Carney
    Nancy Carney says:

    My heart is breaking for this person who doesn't have10 cents. I pray she reaches out to a local food bank or church. Single parents are really struggling right now to hold it all together. Seniors on limited incomes can no longer stretch that check any further.

  20. Sandra Burke
    Sandra Burke says:

    43% of Snap Food Stamp Benefit go to Illegal Immigrants, 60% Gov. Hud Housing goes to Illegal Immigrants— Legal Citizens of United States, DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT NEEDING THE GOVERNMENT BENEFITS, USE THEM OR THEY JUST GO TO OTHERS WHO JUST WALK INTO THE COUNTRY, your tax dollars paid for those benefits.

  21. Villie Haizlip
    Villie Haizlip says:

    Morning all, our poor man's breakfast and snowed-in can't go anywhere was a can of salmon (bought 2 cans yesterday @ Aldi's for $2.99 each) one egg, a couple of spoonful of flour, fried up crispy in drop in pan style. So good. Afterwards Use any grease from salmon & left over crispy bits with alittle flour to make salmon gravy. But I do miss those cheap biscuits in a can (cheat or fast cooking?) now its a hoecake mound bread in a hurry but you know What, you cant stop this from being good.

  22. Cherie Dominguez
    Cherie Dominguez says:

    Cabbage soup

    I /2 head of cabbage chopped
    1 small onion chopped
    1 garlic minced
    1 chopped tomato (or can)
    Boulin Any flavor
    Bring to boil
    Simmer 15 mins

    Seaweed soup is the same except it costs more and you must wash and soak seaweed for an hour or so


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