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My coaching groups: Here are some of the meaty topics that we …

32 replies
  1. Tom Dixon
    Tom Dixon says:

    Lift weights and walk>I walk 7 days a week and occasionally lift weights. I have been carnivore for almost two years and you speak the truth. You have given good wise advise.

  2. Shan Li
    Shan Li says:

    Glucose is turned into ATP to fuel muscles. A gram of fat oxidized by respiration produces approximately TWICE as much ATP as a gram of carbohydrate. The claim that muscles prefer to use glucose is the baseline ignorance part of the fitness and health industry that is broscience. Muscles / cells use available resources through pathways which are responsive to lifestyle choices. If you eat sugar / carbohydrates your body must prioritize their utilization for energy and store the excess which cannot be used. Fat would be the 'preferable' source of energy especially if there is an excess of body fat built up from all those excess carbs. Anabolic in the sense of insulin activity does not lead to getting ripped but rather leads to obesity. Insulin is a storage hormone, it does not build muscle so much as it pushes glucose into the cells, where it still needs to be oxidized into ATP to be useful. Depending on activity levels and individual conditions a person would not want to consume a greater amount of carbohydrates than can be used without a surplus being stored as triglycerides/fatty acids a day to prevent fat gain, but may need to eliminate all carbohydrates to be able to utilize bodyfat for energy and lose weight from body fat stores.

  3. Wendy Mobley
    Wendy Mobley says:

    ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ you my girl are truly amazing. No one ever explains the reason we might not be losing the weight on carnivore. I am one of those fighting that battle. Great information kelly!!

  4. Caroline Flynn
    Caroline Flynn says:

    Kelly thank you for this amazing presentation. It answers my question with regards to elevated blood pressure and inflammation which I have both of, but my other blood work looks great.

  5. Ann Mc
    Ann Mc says:

    I needed to hear this video today Kelly. Thank you. Iโ€™m a 59 year old recovering insulin resistant woman. On month 6 of ketovore and I feel sooo much better. I have a great new doctor that is aligned with carnivore and Keto diet. You have so much knowledge. Thank you.

  6. William Weedon
    William Weedon says:

    Kelly, that was just outstanding. Thank you! I thought a bit about what you said about SURGERY. I had bilateral inguinal hernia repair right before my weight began climbing. And, because I didnโ€™t want to take the narcs or opioids, I just used aspirin afterwards. Yes, it was traumatic and painful. And Iโ€™m coming up on two years now and things are just beginning to slide back to what I think of as โ€œnormalโ€ (weight slowly coming down).

  7. Wilma Anvieh
    Wilma Anvieh says:

    Hi Kelly Iโ€™m new to your channel. My daughter has PCOS. My question is about hair loss, when one reverses their PCOS, will they hair grow back? What has been your experience?

  8. Charndra Pile
    Charndra Pile says:

    Thanks. I have very high insulin. Meat based for years. Carb creep is a real battle as I just seem to get nowhere consistently. Watching your videos DAILY is what helps me, despite the stress, poor sleep, inflammation and TRE, following BBBE and skipping veg is no 1 for me , they cause so many problems. I do miss the flavour at times.

  9. Dana McNeese
    Dana McNeese says:

    I'm so grateful you're here. I've been doing carnivore for about a yr. Lost 20 lbs. Yay! But now I've noticed a belly coming on. This video explained what I need to do next. And ,being able to do my own labs. I had no idea i could do this!Thank you so muchโค

  10. Silver Gem
    Silver Gem says:

    This is my favorite video that you have made! The information is so easy to understand, and I love your use of the water and fire analogy. I was a dancer for 12 years and used to be slender and physically fit. Now I better understand why I gained so much weight during the four years that I spent in a certain job. I'm sure that hormones and medication played a role, but I was also dealing with stress, crazy overnight work hours, and irregular sleep patterns. That caused me to develop poor eating habits because I was too tired to cook healthy meals for myself. In addition, I have to deal with some of the factors that you mentioned (trauma and injury.)
    I'm now using a carnivore diet to take off the extra weight. Thank you for helping me and so many others!

  11. Barbs Dee
    Barbs Dee says:

    Youโ€™ve just described my early adulthood – high blood pressure, migraines that lasted 3 days (usually around the time of ovulation). Iโ€™m now type 2 and desperately trying to get it under control without taking insulin shots ๐Ÿ˜ข


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