How to Eat Noodles Every Day for the Rest of Your Life

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Today we are going to cover the Basic Noodle Blueprint that I created which will help you whip up great tasting noodle dishes in about 15 minutes with whatever …

45 replies
  1. William Berry
    William Berry says:

    How much sodium is in the noodle sauce base? And is there a low sodium variation? As one gets older, got to keep an eye on blood pressure. Especially if it runs in the family.

  2. xZeroBreath
    xZeroBreath says:

    4:20 interesting use of miso paste, in the Japanese kitchen you usually doesn't boil miso, because all of the healthy enzymes etc are destroyed, as far as I know. Using miso solely for the flavor is new for me!

  3. Melaneykk
    Melaneykk says:

    I love this, I just wish more of the Youtube chefs I love who use woks would understand that most people don't have gas stoves. and a flat bottom wok doesn't work the same way.

  4. Cristi Neagu
    Cristi Neagu says:

    4:07 Man, that feels like such a waste, throwing away all that miso… Instead of using water and starch to thicken the sauce, cook your noodles in less water. As the water evaporates, the starch from the noodles thickens it. And then you get to keep the miso flavour in there as well.

  5. Rishi Amarnani
    Rishi Amarnani says:

    Good video. I prefer the sauce to be mixed into the noodles towards the end of cooking so it doesn’t evaporate so quickly or cook too much. Or if I want the sauce to be added earlier I add some water to it so it doesn’t fully evaporate. I like my noodles saucy 😆

  6. Edward Zdankiewicz
    Edward Zdankiewicz says:

    You are on to something with this.
    I do not have much in the way of refrigerated or "fresh" noodles where I shop, even the International and asian markets.

    Also, This video would do well paired with an "Indian" Noodles video. I do not think I have ever sen Indian food paired with noodles. And then Mexican and Caribbean, like jerked chicken over noodles.

    It is odd that Indian has not been matched with pasta/noodles since so much of that cuisine is ultimately thick sauce…

  7. beerbread
    beerbread says:

    LOL Ethan discovers pasta; Marco Polo lives. I love this, since I don't eat much meat or foods cooked at high temps. (Creates advanced glycination end products, which are inflammatory.
    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs). They are a bio-marker implicated in aging and the development, or worsening, of many degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, and Alzheimer's disease.)


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