How to Eat for $5 a Day – Day 5 of 7

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Dollar Tree Shopping List Mixed Vegetables Green Beans Seasoning Blend Beef Patties Sausage chub Smoked Sausage Garlic …

23 replies
  1. Michelle Blubaugh
    Michelle Blubaugh says:

    Oh honey, don’t drop things into hot oil towards you, I’ve seen you do it a few times but I learned this the hard way! Love your channel and I will be making your soup next week!😊

  2. Renee Henry
    Renee Henry says:

    I've got to tell you, I love watching your videos and have been a fan for a while. Thank you for sharing. When you were talking about the end of the month being your busy time at work, I was thinking yeah, me too… then you said you work in mortgages… so do I! It's a cray cray world during month end! I work for one of the highest volume closing attorneys in GA.

  3. Lori Wall
    Lori Wall says:

    Yummy! Another good value meal to make are chilaquilas.. sauté season blend, add rotel.. gauge how much vs.. Amt of chips..put aside. Then quarter corn tortillas, a good portion.. fry them (hack) u can use bagged tortilla chips as well. Just fry them up, drain them add rotel mixture back to pan reheat and toss in tortillas til coated, then add shredded pepper Jack or cheddar to coat. Or both! Fold cheese into mixture..til melted. I save some tortillas on side to crumble over my chilaquiles. You can add sour cream and jalapeños to top after plating..Also can top with a fried egg if u like that too! Love your channel!

  4. Doc Ink
    Doc Ink says:

    I agree a lot of stuff tastes better after a day or 2 in the frig HOWEVER… My daughter in laws family doesnt eat leftovers, even after a big gathering. We used to be down the street neighbors and were always getting huge trays of baked beans, macNcheese left over hamburgers and sausage, roast beef, chicken you name it even cakes and pies. WAY more than the wife and I could eat so we would break it up and share the bounty. I use canned refried black beans but I cant eat a whole can and sometimes part of the can goes bad, Im going to try making and freezing the tacos like you have but I think a minute in the microwave and then on the griddle will be how I cook them, I think the oil takes too long b4 and after to make it a quick go to

  5. Julia Téllez
    Julia Téllez says:

    What will you do with the leftover cheese? When we eat bean tacos in my house we usually put a little bit of cheese in them and when you fry them, the cheese becomes so stringy and delicious!!!

  6. NM Native Nurse
    NM Native Nurse says:

    I was a single mom of two always hungry growing boys. We didn’t have leftovers-we had encores! It was so good, we had to have it a second time! They’re 32 & 25, and still laugh about this. (They also tell their kids that they’re having encores!)


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