How to Cook Pinto Beans in the Instant Pot – Way Too Easy

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Using an electric pressure cooker, particularly the Instant Pot, has rocked my world. Yes, I am the kind of woman that falls in love with great kitchen appliances. For the past two weeks, I have only used the Instant Pot and my oven to prepare meals. It’s been a very lazy summer for me. ;D


2 1/2 cups dry pinto beans, washed and drained
3 teaspoons New Mexico chili powder
1 teaspoon Mexican oregano
1 1/2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons Pecan liquid smoke
Cover beans with two inches of water.

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Whole food plant geek, hot wife, awesome mom & camera ham. FOLLOW ME for practical plant-based cooking, cookbook reviews and a good laugh.


40 replies
  1. Shirley Anderson
    Shirley Anderson says:

    Eeeeeek! I'm a first time IP user and was following your instructions to the letter. Now (watching the end of the video) I see that I won't have enough water in there. I unplugged (don't know how to turn it off) and am waiting for the pressure. I'll add more water and hopefully they will still cook but I have no idea for how long.

  2. Melhut65
    Melhut65 says:

    These Beans are awesome! The best nutritional decision I ever made was to go vegan and the second best was getting an Instant Pot. my mom and dad actually got it for me for my 50th! These beans are such a crowd pleaser! Made them with collard greens and corn bread.Thank you for this recipe!

  3. Wander In Phoenix
    Wander In Phoenix says:

    Great information. Thanks for clarifying that you need 2 inches above the beans. Also, my son and others may not know that you have already cleaned and sorted your beans prior to cooking. Otherwise they will have nasty pebble and bean soup. Thanks again for the great recipe.

  4. Lynnette Siegl
    Lynnette Siegl says:

    I'm new to instant pot and my beans always come out hard and still need lots more cooking time! I follow what you say and they always come out dry and uncooked! I even put more liquid than what you say! Did I buy the wrong Instant Pot? I noticed that most U tube sites have a poultry button on it where mine doesn't
    Even when I try boiling eggs the pot ends up with no water.

  5. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    You must have gone to my church? lol! I'm gonna be the jerk today and b*tch …I don't always have access to a computer and mostly view Youtube on the ole TV, which does not have a "below" for ingredients or comments. I wish everyone doing recipes would take those few extra seconds to list them in the video for po' folk like me! Having said that, these were worth looking up! I LOVE smoky flavors, and paired with beans is a bonus. I took it to the next level and added a couple black cardamom which have a smokey flavor, a dash of smoked paprika, some chipotle, and even a pinch of weird smoky tea called lapsang souchong too! Yum!

  6. Deblyn
    Deblyn says:

    I love this recipe. These taste so good. Oh..and your BBQ Lentil recipe is outstanding. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for sharing your recipes, tips, etc. You have helped me through your video's and cookbook to overcome my fear of the IP. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Aleah
    Aleah says:

    Wait I'm confused, if the beans are dry it takes 50 minutes pressure cooked? And if they are soaked it takes 30 minutes? Will this work the same for black eyed peas?

  8. CommanderLeni
    CommanderLeni says:

    Thank you! I had the worst time finding someone to tell me how to just cook the beans! I made these once already and my family loved them. I blended them when done for refried beans, and see no reason to buy cans of them any longer. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Off to make a batch to use in Enchilada casserole! Thanks again.

  9. Diana Lantz
    Diana Lantz says:

    Just got my OMGee Instant Pot book, & I'm already giving my IP a workout!! Had barbecued cabbage last night, and, yes, I'm eating these deelish pinto beans for breakfast. I think I'm officially an IP junkie!! Thanks, Jill!

  10. small footprint
    small footprint says:

    I'm getting ready to cook pinto beans for the first time in my new I Pot. My booklet says for dry beans; 25 to 30 min and for soaked, 20 to 25. Do you find that the times in the booklet are accurate or have you made the changes due to your experience. I haven't had luck with cooking potatoes yet and am ready to send the darned thing back. The 3 things I need the i pot for are brown rice, potatoes and beans. If I can make those work, it'll be worth it, otherwise, maybe not.

  11. Cheeky Saver
    Cheeky Saver says:

    That is similar to how I make my pintos… never thought of adding smoke flavor though. That works out well. I have some smoked salt that I smoked myself over apple wood. LOL it is the only thing my smoker gets used for now…. smokin spices! You sure have come a long way since this vid. ๐Ÿ™‚


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