How to Cook Perfect Rice without a Rice Cooker

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After several requests, it’s time to go back to the basics and talk about how to cook the perfect rice without a rice cooker. There are some tips and tricks to know, …

21 replies
  1. Pailin's Kitchen
    Pailin's Kitchen says:

    HELLO LOVELY VIEWERS! Important Note:

    If you have questions about this video, you can post it here for the community to answer. But if you want to ask me, please get in touch via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or my website (all links are in the description above). If you leave questions in the comments I may not see them due to the large volume of comments I receive across the hundreds of videos on this channel.

    Thank you for watching!

  2. Russ F
    Russ F says:

    I would say rinsing rice isn't always what you want to do.
    While I almost always rinse rice, sometimes I'll take a cup of jasmine rice, brown it in a little oil, add some herbs and add 2X the water.
    After 20 minutes it's much like 'rice-a-roni' (for lack of a better description). Slightly over plump, somewhat clumpy, but easy to fork.

  3. Alastair B
    Alastair B says:

    Thank you for finally explaining this. I grew up in Thailand but we always used a rice cooker. I always impressed my friends with Thai recipes I grew up with but whenever I'm caught without a rice cooker it was a rice disaster!

  4. moriorea
    moriorea says:

    In the Philippines,we just touch the rice and when no grain is wet or it doesnt stick to ur finger,then its done.the trick is knowing how to measure the water and turning down the heat once it starts boiling.u must also know the type of rice as she said in the video..New harvest rice needs less water than old harvest.long grains usually needs more water and round grains needs less.


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