How To Cook Latkes for Hanukkah || Mayim Bialik

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Hey, it’s Mayim, and today we’re cooking latkes! Hanukkah starts this Sunday night, and that means we Jews will be cooking up a lotta latkes. Here’s how I make …

34 replies
  1. Dayan A. Inclán
    Dayan A. Inclán says:

    I'm a boring almost traditionalist. I like them with an apple chutney.

    I'm proud to say that our fraternity (Sigma Alpha Mu) made them in the student union at university every Hanukkah with proceeds going to charity. 31 years later those young men are still carrying on the tradition. 🕎

  2. MaasiMara
    MaasiMara says:

    You are such a hoot.. cooking shows are normally BORING… but NOT YOURS… you made this fun😁👍… I was looking for a latke recipe.. this is perfect.. 🇰🇪

  3. Celia Schwarz
    Celia Schwarz says:

    Sorry but not impressed with dried potato flakes but what I do is grate potatoes and add the Manischewitz Latke Mix into so the mixture stays white and the latkes are authentic…try it you might latke it…LOL

  4. kathryn witte
    kathryn witte says:

    Putting Himalayan salt on your latke then Everything but the Bagel is redundant for the sodium. No one knows or cares about their sodium intake until they have a catastrophic health event, but that’s not the best way to address anything, is it? For healthy, non POC adults over the age of 50, the AHA says the ideal RDA is 1500; if you have any risk factors or adverse familial/health history, the numbers go down from there. Count up your numbers every day for a week and be honest with yourself.

  5. Andrew Jacoby
    Andrew Jacoby says:

    Bless your heart.
    (A sad note your Latke making spiel was followed by an advertisement for Jews to believe as Christians do. If that is not yo your liking please complain to you tube)


    Mayim so cheeky you just got to love her and everything she sells always makes sense but there's no Jewish shops around here I'd have to go to the Eastern Suburbs and that's in lockdown – meow meow frowny face looks like if I want to eat Latkes and I do I will have to do ancient and look at another video sorry Mayim but you sold me on the Latkes first!

  7. Jackie Ogle
    Jackie Ogle says:

    Omg! My father in law brought his own little food processor with him and made them all the time! I especially remember he made them for our very simple wedding reception. It was a small family wedding and he cooked. He was trying them up and my Mom was polishing them off as fast as he took them out to the point he said, "June, stop eating the latkes!" I miss he and my Mother in Law so much. Messy is best! I am too! Sometimes when you 're busy hard to keep all neat! Love your videos!


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