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Hi everyone! I am sharing with you an unboxing of my instant pot and cooking some homemade chicken noodle soup. If you are new to my channel, I am a Wife, …

10 replies
  1. Momma Vlogs
    Momma Vlogs says:

    My daughter has an Instant Pot I like the idea that it gets your meat tender. Your soup looks so good! I’ve made it with shredded cabbage too it soo good with that too. I’m gonna think about getting one.

  2. TheMommaThatDoesItAll
    TheMommaThatDoesItAll says:

    Hi Sis! Yum I love soup. I sometimes take the broth and add it to rice for the kids, and they really like that. I bought my M-I-L an Instant Pot last year, and now I am wondering why I didn't buy myself one? 🤦‍♀️ Well, I think I will be getting one now. Love how quickly you can your meals done in that. Thank you for sharing this friend!

  3. JackieNaturals
    JackieNaturals says:

    Hey Ivy, LOL at you getting the Instant Pot before your family got you one but you can't pass up a sale. LOL. Soup is great on a cold rainy day. Wow! That looks delicious and in an hour isn't bad at all. FW and have a great weekend.

  4. Geizel Verali
    Geizel Verali says:

    Hi friend!! Happy Monday! Hope you have a great weekend!! Oh I so need one of these pots! Omg for Christmas!!! Along with the smokeless grill!! Omg this soup looks delicious!!! Perfect for winter!!! Omg Birthday coming up my friend 🥰🥰 looks amazing!!🥰🥰


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