How To Cook Chayote Squash In Indian Style | Chow Chow Vegetable | Bengaluru Kathrikai

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How To Cook Chayote Squash In Indian Style | Chayote Sabzi Tastes Like Kaddu, Loki, Ghiya, Mirliton Squash, Summer Squash | Chow Chow Vegetable …

16 replies
  1. James Huey
    James Huey says:

    I watched another video about this squash and the person took it and cut the top off. He then rubbed the top together onto the remaining squash piece and it pulled out liquid which he says is strong. After a few minutes of running it in this manner, he then prepared it for cooking. He did not skin the squash though, as you did, but he did removed the seeds. Some say the seeds are the best part of the squash, but I have never tried it at all, so I have no clue as to that being accurate. You could see this liquid oozing out of the squash as he rubbed the two pieces together. Unfortunately, he didn't provide any recipe as to what other ingredients to add in, as you do in your video. Thanks for sharing this video. I have an Instant Pot and hope I can find a good recipe for it and that this squash can indeed be steamed in the Instant Pot instead of just cooked in what looks like a Woc on the stove.

  2. Build Indian
    Build Indian says:

    Hi Uncle, nice video as usual…in my country we called it cho cho, It grows on a vine and can be cooked in many ways, curry with any form of meat and also cooked with salted codfish without curry…

  3. Aunt Clare
    Aunt Clare says:

    I have seen this vegetables in my supermarket but didn't know how to cook it. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe, on how to cook it.
    I will surely buy it next time and cook it. Have a blessed day. 🙏♥️🤗


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