How To Cook An Over Easy Egg

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Quick how-to on making over easy fried eggs with butter (which makes everything better). I show a few techniques for that perfect fried egg without popping the …

21 replies
  1. Crag LaBrake
    Crag LaBrake says:

    Thank you for this! Your mom would be beyond words of happiness to see the various recipes you are making. Thank you for all that you do! Now I will be trying to make an over easy egg!

  2. Deep in the Heart of Texas
    Deep in the Heart of Texas says:

    Thank you! I don't eat over easy eggs but have to cook them occasionally, and I really needed someone to explain to me (years ago) how to know the difference between over easy, medium, and hard. Wish I could have seen a little closer when you were pushing on the yolk, but I think I've got it. How are you with omelets? I tend to overcook mine.

  3. Missy Retzlaff
    Missy Retzlaff says:

    I quit ordering over easy eggs in restaurants because a lot of the cooks don't know how to make a true over easy egg anymore, I just can't stand it when the white is still partially clear. Yuck!

  4. poppykok5
    poppykok5 says:

    One of my favorite childhood memories is of getting up VERY early on weekend mornings, & all of us heading out to the little 30 acre, country farm property they'd recently bought (& LOVED) in a little country Amish town a couple hr's away in Ohio …We'd always 1st stop by my Dad's favorite neighborhood bakery where Mom would buy a couple loafs of freshly made Italian bread & a sack of donuts we'd eat during the long drive …Once we arrived at the little OLD country farmhouse, my Dad would immediately fire up our old Weber charcoal grill, & soon he'd be frying bacon & eggs in our ancient cast iron skillet from home, & serving the delicious food with the buttered Italian bread…There was no toaster…There wasn't even electricity for quite awhile, but we always had a big hearty breakfast by the time the sun was rising followed by a day of walking through the woods where my Dad taught us kids about the many wonders of Nature & wild animals..(We loved seeing deer & foxes & even wild pigs, but especially loved hearing all the loud…NOISY wild turkey calls as they started to flock together & begin their day…

    Stephen, I think all Moms hope to raise such loving sons like yourself..You must be continuing to make your lovely Mother & Mr. Bucky very proud. of the man you are…

  5. dodi James
    dodi James says:

    our videos remind me so much of your moms.Thats one reason I liked her recipes.She walked us through it and taught us along the way. She was very knowlegable.I enjoyed her so much..Like your Mom, I'm not good at the easy fried eggs but you are inspiring me to try it like you do,

  6. Carol Deaton
    Carol Deaton says:

    I went back to see if I commented on this. I didn't but I did hit the thumbs up it was dark blue. I remember the day I watch this I had to go and Fry me some bacon in a couple eggs. Thank you so much for keeping this Channel going. Sending Tons of love from a Kentucky granny


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